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"Jin? What is it?" She asked him again, as he pulled her hands into his.

"So, this could go one or two ways. After I tell you this you're going to freak out and leave the country, or you're going to not freak out physically, but mentally. I mean trust me, I freaked out when I heard. It was just so sudden and-" He started to blab until y/n started to cut him off.

"It's totally fine, just tell me. It can't be that bad can it?" She reassured.

"My parents are here."

Y/n paused.

"WHAT?!" She yelled.

"And they want to meet you. So I came here to ask if you wanted to meet my parents."

"I mean, well of course I do! Meeting them with a warning wouldn't have been so bad either.." she mumbled.

"I know, but I couldn't have known because once they had called me they were already in town."

She groaned. "What happens if they don't like me? If they hate me?"

"I'll give you a tip on my parents." He ushered y/n to sit down on the chair, which was sat right outside the café.

"They.. they like very polite and mannered women. And that won't be hard for you, you're the kindest person I know. Look, you'll be totally fine. Don't worry about it, Y/n."

Y/n eyes were comically wide. "Yep, no problem. Totally not worrying about your parents thoughts on me."

"And another thing.. my mom. She isn't that supportive of who I want to date. Like, what I'm saying is she wants to set me up for an arranged marriage. And when I told her about you, she got the slightest bit angry, but said that she wanted to meet you anyway." Jin noted.

"Great, so she hates me already. That's just wonderful." She said, her hands running through her hair.

"But my dad is really supportive. He's the exact opposite of my mom. In fact, I don't even know how they even got married. He's really kind, caring, and doesn't care who I'm with as long as I'm happy."

"Awe, well that's sweet."

"So tomorrow around seven I'll pick you up and take you to a restaurant where we'll be meeting my parents. Don't stress or worry, I'll have your back." Jin comforted her.

Y/n sighed. "Okay."


and that's the tea sis

also im mega super uber sorry that i have not updated in like thousands of years it seems
i know a lot of you asked to update and i've been super iffy on that

it's mostly been because of school, this year is my busiest year yet and i've been getting tons of assignments shoved down my throat

thanking y'all for like almost 5k reads oml that's crazy i never even thought that this book would go that far but thank you thank you

love you guys sm

cherry 🍒

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