Spending the Day With You

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Your POV : Last Night

We were so close to having our lips collide, but the cab showed up. Jin pulled his head away, and I was, disappointed? Stop it. You're just friends. I felt hot.

As I got into the car Jin stopped to kiss my hand. I blushed the brightest I had ever blushed. He definitely noticed, yet he just smiled and said, 'see you'.

He was messing with my heart.

Saturday 1:55pm

You'd told your brother that you were going out with a friend. But you didn't tell him he was a guy, quite sneaky of you.

It was great that he had applied for a job before coming to Korea. He'd already left early in the morning. My brother was extremely smart, even skipped a grade (granted, it was only kindergarten) he got his PhD in only 6 years at 24, and he's 26 now, which he brags about all the time especially with our family members. He took up an exact one month job offer here as a part time doctor.

Jin texted me that he was on his way. I was already fully ready, wearing this bright pastel colored dress and wearing makeup, but keeping it simple. I don't need to impress anyone except myself. I looked super cute though. I had thought about wearing heels, but spending a whole day in high heels seems like much. I had one pair of these old red ones which didn't match my outfit, so it's pointless anyways. I went with some white flats. Much more comfortable.

The doorbell rang, and I opened the door to a handsome Jin holding a single red rose.

"Wow. You look stunning." He took my hand and kissed it again.

I immediately blushed and thought of last week from that night.

"Thank you. For the rose and the compliment."

He handed me the rose and we climbed into his car.

My stomach grumbled. Why now? I was so embarrassed.

"Hungry?" He laughed while starting up the car. "You're fine. I'm a little late. Plus you're cute so I'll let it slide."

His words eased me back. In just seconds he made me feel calm.

Coffee Shop 2:07 pm

The same barista from last time greeted us. I thought it was crazy how we didn't know her name, which was actually Kim.

She stopped to talk to me while Jin got us a table, "Him? Wow.... I see you're spending your time in Korea wisely."

I blushed and said, "Whatever." I noticed I blushed whenever someone mentioned Jin.

Kim and I exchanged numbers. How nice that I got a girl-friend to hang with.

Kim soon led us to a table and wrote down our orders. She mouthed to me a good luck and I rolled my eyes but I was really blushing.

As we waited we had sort of a 'get to know you' talk with each other.

"What's your job right now?" Jin asked.

"I'm actually doing online college classes, majoring in (major name) to become a (dream job). I've always wanted to be a (job occupation) since I was little. What about you? Have you dreamt of being a part of a dance group since you were little?"

"I didn't think so. Until a couple years back I really didn't know what to do. But those goofy kids just stuck close and we all became something more than what we had intended to be."

We talked for what seemed like hours in the café, ordering seconds and thirds of coffee while we continued or conversation. I pretty much poured my entire soul out with him. He was so easy to talk to.

And we shared jokes here and there, resulting in Jin's weird one of a kind windshield wiper laugh.

It was around four o' clock when we finally left the café. I said my goodbyes to Kim and again she winked at us. Jin was too busy laughing while reciting his R.E.D acrostic poem to notice.

At Big Hit

We had walked into Big Hit, which by the way, was massive. Like walking into a mansion.

Jin took my hand into his and said, "Let's go, I have lots to show you."

I was a bit surprised but I smiled and let him lead the way.

We first went to the dance studio. It was white all around, wall to wall and floor to ceiling.

"It's like walking into heaven" I joked.

"Yes, it is very bright." Jin chuckled. "So would you dance with me?"

"What? No, I'm not a good dancer."

"You don't have to be. Just dance with me."

I gave in and he lead me to the center of the room. He showed me moves from popular songs of theirs like Mic Drop and Go Go. I followed along, and did the best I could.

And then I stumbled. On top of him. Why am I so clumsy?

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