Seven Roses

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Jin's POV

I opened the door and saw (y/n). She was beautiful. I passed along being cool-like.

I took her hand and led her to my car and drove to the café.

I made her close her eyes even though it was nothing special. Jungkook was inside of the shop holding the rose. I assigned everyone at different spots and different times.

Taking her hand again, I guided her inside in front of Jungkook. He held out the rose and I told her it was okay to look.

"Surprise! Don't worry I won't be third wheeling you guys." Kookie gave the rose to her, winked, and left.

She was puzzled, but still she smiled and said thank you.

I pulled her seat out for her like a gentleman and let her sit. I ordered for us and told her where we were going next.

"What do you think about canoeing?" I asked, nervous about her answer.

"I've never tried it. I'm glad I get to try it with you."

She was so considerate. It's like you could come up with the worst idea in the world and she'd still be happy doing it.

We ate and had talked and laughed with each other. She told me about how Kim and her had spent the whole day trying to impress their dates. I joked that she wanted to look good for me. She blushed and lightly punched me in the shoulder. It was more like a tap but it made her even cuter.

Once we finished I took her to the next location, canoeing.

There, Tae had a rose to give to (y/n).

"What are these for?" She had kept asking.

"I told you this would be a romantic date."

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