Seeing You

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Your POV
It was the second time we had randomly bumped into each other. We locked eyes. Then I broke it off and looked down and blushed. Calm down. It must be a coincidence that we decided to eat at the same place.

The barista came back in, and told the group of guys if they were okay with me sitting here while I finished dinner. And turns out it was a go.

As you sat down with all your guy friends, my heart started to palpitate. Again, I tried calming myself down. I took a sip of my coffee and closed my eyes and savored the taste.

I saw Jin talk to another tall, blond haired guy who he called Joonie? Soon enough, the rest of the group had turned to look at me and Jin started to walk over to me. Crap. Gotta act presentable.

"(Y/n)?" Jin asked.

"Well, it's a pleasure bumping into you again." I replied, trying to sound calm and collected.

"I didn't think we'd be seeing into each other so much. Must be fate." He smiled.

I blushed into a crimson red. He was so kind and adorable.

"Sure, you can call it that. More like crazily coincidental."

"What are you doing here all alone? A young woman like yourself shouldn't be wandering alone at night."

"First of all, it's five-thirty pm. And I just wanted to grab some dinner before I went home.
Anyway, shouldn't you be over there with your friends?"

We turned to look back and one of them grinned and held up his thumbs.

"Aish what is that pabo doing? That's Jungkook, our youngest. He can barely talk to any girl."

Jungkook overheard us and was feeling offended. "Hey!"

Jin stuck his tongue out to him.

"Anyways, if you're free anytime soon, could we meet up? As in, just the two of us? No fans or these goofs." Jin asked me.

A fate date? Meeting here at the exact same time. I could not believe what was happening.


Crap. I've been thinking too long.

"If you're busy it's okay, really, uh..." he looked a bit disappointed.

"No it's okay. Next week, Saturday at noon? I'm free then."

His eyes lit up again.   

"Sounds like a date. I'll pick you up. But since we're here now, would you like to meet my friends?"

"Sounds good."

We walked over and Jin said to the boys, "Hey everyone, can you introduce yourselves to my new friend?"

The first to talk was Namjoon. "Hey, nice to meet you, Rap Monster and leader of BTS, call me Namjoon, 23."

Jungkook had then interrupted. "So this is that girl Jin-hyung has a huge-"

I was confused on what he was saying but soon enough another light brown haired beautiful guy butted in and put his hand over Jungkook's mouth.

In broken English he said, "This uh Jungkookie, he is golden maknae, is 20 and younger of group. I am V, but call me Taehyung. 22."

I spoke, "Don't worry about speaking English, I can understand you guys." I giggled at his attempt to speak English.

Taehyung laughed at his idiotic-ness and ruffled his hair.

"So, how old are you, (y/n)?" Someone with strawberry blonde hair spoke up. "I'm Jimin, also 22, by the way."

"A pleasure to meet you. I'm (y/n), turned 21 in (birth month)." I smiled.

"Ah, so you're younger than everyone except,"

"Jungkook." Everyone said together and laughed. Jungkook pouted. "At least I'm not the shortest." Jungkook took his revenge on Jimin.

Jimin punched him angrily but playfully.

More voices were starting to speak. It was hard to keep track of them. This time it was a mint haired guy. "Yoongi also known as Suga, 24, nice to meet you." His sentence stopped there. A quiet guy.

"I'm your hope, your angel, the name is J-hope. But you can always call me Hoseok, or Hobi." He had dark red orange hair.

"And I'm Jin, 25, eldest hyung of the group. Also really good at telling dad jokes."

I laughed, "I know."

"I'm unbelibubble." Jin joked around.

We got to know each other and talked and ate our food and drank our drinks. I looked at my phone and had already realized it was 7:30pm. Two hours had passed by like that. And like my brother had magically known I was going to be late, he had texted me.

Bro: (y/n)!!!! Where are you? You're supposed to be home now. If you're not here in the next hour I'm calling the police.
Sent 6:42pm

You: Sorry I met some new friends I'll be there right away. Forgive me :(
Read 7:33pm

In an instant he replied.

Bro: As long as your safe, just get here as soon as possible.

I hurried to get my stuff together. "Sorry guys, this was really fun, but I've got to get home." I told the guys.

"Awe, can't you stay for cake?" Jungkook whined.

"You're cute, but, I have someone that's waiting on me." I pinched his cheek.

"I'll walk you out." Jin offered.

Jin walked outside with me and called a cab.

"This was fun. I can't wait to have you to myself next Saturday." Jin started up a conversation as we waited for the car to get here.

"Yeah, your friends are one of a kind."

"I'm glad Kookie likes you, he's shy around girls." Jin laughed.

"I had a great time."

After that there was nothing to say. So we sort of just looked at each other. And then our faces got closer.

Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying so far. Sorry the chapters are so long, I've just had so many great ideas and I feel like sharing them. The next ones will be shorter and they'll be about your date with Jin. Happy reading!

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