No more jack pranks...

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It was late at night, jack and I was in bed while the other boys where playing on their phones and looking at each other very weird. Jack was cuddling me and he was so cute sleeping. Jack was cute while sleeping and I was awake looking at the boys while jack was cuddling me. I saw and heard rye say. Should we prank Ellie and jack Andy. Andy said. Um... well I don't know but yay cuz it would be well cool 😎. Rye said. Let's get the  talc and powder and put it all over jack and Ellie because they are sleeping. Andy nodded his head and stood up to go get the talc. As went to go get it I quickly stood up and rye said. I thought you were a sleep 😴. Me. Well yay but I woke up and your not doing that to jack cuz he never get any sleep with you pranking him all the time and he has to have a shower if you do that. Andy walked back in the room with the talc.

Andy. Rye why is Ellie awake. Ellie. Cuz I woke up and your not doing that to jack. He's so cute when he's sleeping now put that down and go to bed or do something else cuz jack actually deserves to sleep. Rye. Oh Ellie please, I know he's your boyfriend but common it's lonely a little prank. Me. No stop it I'm done talking to you I'm going back in jacks arms and if you dare put talc  over us you will be in big trouble rye and Andy. Shouting quietly. Andy. But but.. me. No buts Andy fowler, no buts , good night. I crept back into bed with jack and if they dared to put talc all over us I will get them back for it cuz jack needs his sleep and it's not really fair plus he's really cute when he sleeps too. Also jack doesn't prank them when they are sleeping so why should they prank jack and get him in mood, like a bad mood, not a good one.

Soon we went fast asleep while we were rapped around each other's arms, jack was holding me tightly in to his chest while my head layed on his chest, he's just so fit, i love him so much. When me and jack was asleep I felt a bit of powerder on me but I don't think jack did soon I woke up with jack. In front of me was Andy and rye with a bottle of talc n powder laughing their heads off because there is now talc n powder all over us, I was really tired and so was jack. Jack had it in his hair so did I. Me. Andy and rye I said last night didn't I that if you did that then you will be in big trouble so you are but not right now but I won't forget it you pair of ideots. Jack. Princess, I'm so tired, what the fuck, Andy, rye why did you do this, oh fuck sake. It's all over my baby girl.

Me. It's alright baby boy cuz I'll get them back babe. Jack. Ok whatever anyway can we go in the shower now. Me. Yes  I want to cuddle you in the shower anyway. Jack. Yay me too. While blushing his cute cheeks. We got in the shower with the hot water...

Part two maybe coming out soon.... what happens in the shower???

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