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It's already past 10 and the girls are heading out. They were all tired. Jack told the boys that he's going to drive for the girls so that they can go home safely. They all agreed. When they were on the road. Danica ask Jack about Daniel on how they met, about his family, and how the band started.

They arrive safely and they thank Jack for the ride and for today. Aly left them and went home. Jack and Danica sat outside and talk about stuffs. Jack ask Danica if he can date her. Danica agreed and they both hugged and Jack gave Danica a bracelet as the sign of his love. Danica thank him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Jack was so happy and he left Danica and went straight home. As Danica was set to bed. She got a text from Jack.

Jack: Goodnight and sweet dreams. Iloveyou❤
Danica: Goodnight❤ why is your 'iloveyou' has no space in between them?
Jack: To prove you that there will be no space between us and I will love you continuously.
Danica: oh your so sweet! Iloveyoutoo, Jack❤

Danica fell asleep quickly. At the middle of the night she dreamt about twin babies that was being separated from their parents. One baby was taken away by a guy and the other baby was left with her real parents. They were separated because the parents couldn't afford to take care 2 babies at the same time so they give the other baby to their friend. Danica woke up and felt weird about her dreams so she went downstairs and she saw her parents talking to someone.

She hid her self and try to listen to their conversation. "His voice sounds so familiar" she whispered. She heard talking about her and Daniel but she has no clue whats going on. She peek and saw that her parents are talking to the boy's manager. "That's why his voice so familiar" when she was about to go back to her room, she trip on the guitar and she sprinted running back to her room. Her parents stopped talking and check on what happened after that the manager left.

Danica lays on her bed thinking why they were talking about her and Daniel. She heard the door open so she quickly close her eyes as if she was sleeping and then suddenly her door close. Danica fall asleep again.

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