Chapter 8- Wake Up Call

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A/n Okay, time for our first time skip, that will take place a few weeks later, so it'll have been almost a month since they first met.

(A few weeks later)

Time flew by incredibly quickly, and spotting green leaves has become such a rare occurrence that it had become a game to anyone strolling by.

The once noisy street has become much quieter with the decrease in the temperature, and the soft crunching of leaves could be heard.

Marina and Jungkook have grown slightly closer, and now it wasn't unusual for Marina and Jungkook to spend full days at each other's penthouse for "no reason."

"Jungkook must still be asleep," thought Marina. She quickly snuck around his house, planting microscopic cameras all around Jungkook's penthouse.

All of a sudden, a soft buzzing sound emitted from Marina's earring, startling her. Running to the bathroom, she quickly held down on it.

"Agent Sylvi, what's your current status report?" Asked her manager, in his usual monotone voice."

"I've gotten considerably close to him..."

"Very good, now all you have to do is complete your job. I'll be expecting results by next month."

"Yes, sir."

The microphone went dead. Heaving a sigh, Marina stepped out of the bathroom, only to find herself face to face with Jungkook.

"Hey," she greeted with a nervous smile, attempting to sidestep around him.

He noticed of course and slammed his hand against the wall next to her head, trapping her there. "Who were you talking to?"

"My uncle," Marina replied nonchalantly. This caused Jungkook to cock an eyebrow at her.

"In the bathroom?" He asked.

"I didn't want to accidentally wake you up, besides, it was more of a private conversation," she responded.

The gears in Jungkook's head started turning, able to detect the false tone in Marina's voice. Of course, the girl immediately sensed it and cut in.

"My uncle's like a parent to me, I tell him everything, so naturally you came up," she said, looking down at her feet. Jungkook raised both eyebrows for her to elaborate at the parent part, but he wasn't expecting her explanation in the least. "My parents died when I was fifteen."

"Oh," said Jungkook softly, backing away from her. Marina gave him a half smile before walking downstairs and leaving his penthouse in a wave of genuine tears.

The cover-up was as painful as the situation had been. Even the recollection of a single shard of her past was enough to send a tidal wave of raw sadness to course through her being.

"I can't believe I had to pull that card," she whimpered softly, collapsing on her couch. Her heart was pounding rapidly in her chest as she fought to keep her breathing from stopping."Mom, dad, I miss you guys so much."

(Meanwhile back with Jungkook)

Jungkook collapsed back onto one of the reclining chairs in his living room.

"I shouldn't have asked," he whispered, mentally beating himself up. The image of Marina's broken, watery eyes kept haunting the back of his mind, driving the poor soul insane.

The ringing of his phone broke the thoughtful silence and Jungkook got up slowly as he answered it.

"Agent K, come in," sounded a voice from his phone.

"Hey hyung."

"Hey? What's with the sudden drop of formalities, is something up?"

"Sorry, it's nothing."

"Whatever you say," Namjoon replied, uncertainty ringing clear in his voice. "Anyways, we've found some more information about your subject. We managed to obtain a photo of the girl, but I believe it may have been an older photo. She was last seen with straight pinkish blonde hair and light green eyes which were most likely the product of contacts."


"Well, we know for certain she's in Seoul. By now she probably looks different, try searching for someone around 168cm with pale skin."

"Hyung, you just describe most girls here in Seoul."

"We're still looking," Namjoon said with a sigh, about to hang up.

"KOOKIE!" Shouted a voice across the line all of a sudden.

Jungkook slipped out a curse, holding his phone as far from his ear as possible. "What's it, Tae?"

"Nothing just wanted to say that I missed you and I'm bored as heck right now," whined Taehyung.

"Go play with Jimin then," Jungkook replied, amused. Taehyung growled lowly irritated, and the maknae could envision the displeased frown on his face.

"So, did anything new happen to you?" the older man asked, unwilling to hang up the call.

"Well, there is this girl..."

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