Chapter 11- Inspiration From the Past

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"Oppa, come back here!" shouted a little girl, laughing.

"No thanks, catch me if you can!" The boy shouted back.

It was a peaceful evening, and two kids were running around a large field in some sort of game of tag.

"Gotcha!" exclaimed the girl, clinging to the shirt of the boy. He laughed in response, stopping. Exhausted she collapsed into his arms, causing both of them to topple to the ground,

"Please don't ever leave me," she whispered, cuddling onto her friend's chest.

"Never Ever," he replied.

(Scene Flash)


In the silence that followed the explosion, all she could hear was her world shattering into a billion pieces.

He was in there, her friend.

Screams echoed throughout the night, mixed in with sirens of firetrucks.

Men clad in red fireproof uniforms rushed towards her at the entrance of the building, yelling at her to leave, but she kept running further into the flaming building.

"Oppa!" she shouted, rushing over to a familiar body laying on the ground. His eyes were half open, but the rest of his charred body laid limp. Running over to him, she quickly cradled his head in her lap.

The young man weakly looked up at her smiling gently.

"No... No! How could this happen? Why did this happen?" She said, panicking at when she felt his heartbeat slow and his eyes droop. "You can't leave me too! You promised! Please!"

"I'm sorry..."

Tears started slipping out of her eyes and he slowly reached up to wipe at her cheeks. "You're the only family I have left... I love you."

"Tsk, I love you too little one. Stay strong and always remember to stand up for what you believe in. And don't try to join me anytime soon," he whispered, heaving a dry laugh.

His eyes slowly shut as his heart stopped.

It was too late. I was too late.

(Scene Flash)

"We can't identify who caused the original explosion, all evidence was lost in the fire. Though we have a suspect, Big Hit, our longtime rival.


I jolted awake in a blanket of cold sweat, finding myself on the couch in my living room having passed out. It was eerily quiet and the moon was up, signifying that night had fallen.

The dream had brought back some incredibly haunting memories, ones that I had thought were lost forever. How could I forget?

They had killed him, the one person I could genuinely consider family in this crappy life I was forced to lead.

This was the only motivation I needed to know that it was time. Time to get my revenge and end this once and for all.

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