Chapter 23- Coffee

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A/N: Happy Christmas Eve? Merry Christmas Eve? Lol, happy holidays! Bundle up tight before going outside and stay safe when it's snowing, everyone! Take this as an early present from me, haha...

"Food is good. Food is life. Life is great," mumbled Marina. She was sporting an oversized gray hoodie with matching gray sweatpants (both of which she stole from Jungkook) and a pair of bunny slippers. A sleeping mask was messily strewn across her face only covering one eye and a bowl of instant ramen was hazardously balanced on one hand.

Placing the bowl on the table, Marina got off the couch yawning. Having fallen asleep on the couch after binge watching her favorite drama, her hair was slightly messy and her back hurt like there was no tomorrow.

"Geez, why'd my coffee maker break all of a sudden?" Marina asked herself, whining in protest. When she tried to make a mug of coffee this morning, the coffee maker decided not to cooperate and refused to turn on.

Deciding to go check whether Jungkook had any coffee, the groggy woman slowly trudged out of her apartment into her neighbors.

Sounds of shooting and random yells echoed throughout the apartment, instantly putting Marina on high alert until she realized that they were coming from the tv in the living room.

Pouring a mug of coffee, she strolled upstairs, completely unnoticed by the focused young man sitting on the couch downstairs.

"Another nap won't hurt," Marina thought, settling her cup on the nightstand. Once the cup was secure, she unceremoniously threw herself onto Jungkook's bed, curling up on top of the soft comforter.

The logical part of her brain started to argue, warning her about the dangers of being vulnerable in enemy territory. "He could kill you at any moment."

"But he doesn't suspect anything, kinda idiotic for a top-notch spy, but that would make me a hypocrite wouldn't it?" was her last thought before her consciousness shut down and she fell asleep.

(Jungkook's POV)

"What time is it?" I thought, rubbing my sore eyes tiredly. The overwatch marathon had done a heavy number on my entire body as my head started to throb in pain.

Wincing, I glanced at the digital clock on the wall before removing the headset off of my head. "11:32 PM."

"Was it just me or did I hear a bunch of unusual noises earlier?" Chastising myself for brushing them off for the background noise in the game instead of checking, I cautiously walked around the first floor of the apartment only to find no one.

Shaking my head, I walked upstairs, turning my full undivided attention to taking a shower. Perhaps if I paid a little more attention to my surroundings, I would've noticed a feminine figure sprawled on top of my bed. Whoops.

(15 minutes later)

I strolled back into my room with a content smile, my towel hanging loosely around my waste.

About to collapse on my bed, I quickly did a double take when I noticed the girl laying on it.

"Oh crap," I whispered, creeping towards the closet to pull out a proper pair of pants. Only having on a pair of boxers, I quickly pulled on a black pair of sweatpants before walking back over to my bedside.

I glared accusingly at the woman snoozing in front of me, wondering why in the world she was there before sighing. Gently tapping her shoulder, my posture quickly turned sassy as I folded my arms across my chest.

Sylvi slowly came about, opening her eyes only to find a mass of flesh and muscle right in front of my face. She softly squeaked, immediately darting her eyes up to meet mine.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked sternly, looking down at Sylvi. She quickly scanned her surroundings, only now seeming to remember where she was.

Sylvi quickly hopped off of my bed, quickly dismissing her actions as a case of sleepwalking before trying to scurry out of my room. Her attempts failed however as I quickly looped one of my arms around her waist, drawing her back into my chest.

This elicited another blush from her as she eventually gave up on trying to escape. "I-I really didn't mean to fall asleep here, I didn't think you would mind, see I only came to get a cup of coffee, my machine broke and-" Sylvi started rambling, nervously trying to explain the situation.

I sighed, finally releasing her. The second she was free, she immediately hopped two feet away, face still burning red. To be honest the only reason why I held onto her for so long was only because the situation gave me an excuse to hug her. Cheesy, I know.

"Fine, just go home and order yourself a new one," I responded, dismissing her. Sylvi hastily bowed, scampering back to her apartment.

Watching as her back disappeared, I rubbed my eyes before sliding into my bed which still faintly smelled like the last person in it.

"I swear that woman drives me crazy sometimes," but despite myself, a blush crept up my face as the image of Sylvi wearing my clothing resurfaced.

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