Chapter Two

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It was almost Halloween and Freya wasn't excited at all. She'd never been excited about Halloween, but in ways she'd never had the chance to be. Both of her parents were strictly against Trick or Treating, they both saw it as begging. They didn't like the idea of their daughter walking the streets in a costume either, at the end of the day it wasn't safe for children to be wondering the streets.

She watched as the neighbours decorated their houses with carved pumpkins and colourful lights. The lady next door had made a scarecrow on her front yard, it was covered with old, torn clothes and had a pumpkin for a head. Freya wanted to decorate her house, at least with a pumpkin, but she knew she wasn't allowed. She wondered downstairs and found the sticky tape and hung up the same sign they hung up every year.


The sign was made when Freya was young, her father had carved into an old piece of wood with a chisel and hammer. She remembered him wiping saw dust off the cover of her old desk and smiling over at her. His voice was rough and sandy from the dust in his throat.

"Don't worry Princess, I'll make sure you get a new desk."

She did get a new desk as her father promised, one that soon needed replacing after she spilt red paint all over it whilst painting a rose. She was a creative child, the type that only saw the beauty in the world and in her faith. She didn't see the dark side of her religion, neither did she see the dark side of the world. She understood that shadows lurked in places, but she never ventured to go to those places. It would only be recently that she would ever step foot in those dreaded shadows.

Freya heard a knock at the door and peaked out of the window that she was standing by.

Confusion clouded her thoughts as her eyes fell on Rosie. She walked to the door and opened it.

"Yes?" Freya asked.

"Look," Rosie began. "This doesn't mean that I like you Pipsqueak, but I don't know this area. Agreed? I'm new here and I need to make sure I don't get lost. So, today is your lucky day! You're coming Trick or Treating with me so that we can scare old people and steal kids candy. Deal?"

Rosie was wearing a black and red plaid shirt over a plain black vest. Her trousers were a dark navy blue with light patches over her thighs. She was wearing plain white Toms, if Freya was honest, she didn't even think that Toms were still fashionable. Rosie wasn't wearing her beanie this time, meaning that Freya could see her hair more clearly.

"Pipsqueak I know I'm drop dead gorgeous but you can stop staring at me now." Rosie raised her eyebrow, a gesture that Freya guessed she used a lot. "I'll sort out your costume-or even better! You can come shopping with me to get my own! But I refuse to walk around with you dressed like that Pipsqueak." She waved her hand, gesturing to all of Freya.

"But- "

"Right! Let's get you dressed then," Rosie invited herself in and grabbed a firm hold of Freya's small wrist. She didn't need much power to pull her up the stairs.

Rosie looked around Freya's room in a mixture of disgust and curiosity.

She looked at the white carpet and the hearts bed cover covering her single bed. Her eyes ran over the posters on her lilac walls, most of them were of Justin Bieber and Little Mix. The light had a small purple chandelier coming off it, made of glass crystals that didn't really do much apart from float there.

"Geez, much of a girly girl or what?"

"Are you going to criticize everything about me?" Freya asked, crossing her arms over her chest-feeling quite self-conscious compared to the girl stood in front of her.

"Hmmm, no, not yet anyway."


"I don't know everything about you, do I? How can I criticise everything about you if I don't even know you myself? You see, that's a lot of people's flaws, they judge before they know. So far, my judgment is that you're sweet, but you're a little too shy for my taste. I like my girls to have confidence, you-you're cute. But you have no confidence, do you? That's the turn off for me." Rosie walked to her wardrobe and began to look through Freya's clothes. "You also like Justin Bieber, that's the other turn off." Rosie smirked over at Freya and winked cheekily before going back to picking her clothes.

"What's wrong with Justin?" Freya's brows furrowed in confusion.

"What isn't wrong with him?" Rosie turned and placed some clothes on the bed. "That's the real question here."

Freya sighed and looked at the clothes she'd picked out. There was a pair of light blue jeans and a white vest.

"I can't just wear a vest." She said.

"I know, that's why we're going to mine to get you a plaid shirt, I bet it'd suit you." Rosie walked over and gathered Freya's hair in her hands, taking the hair bobble off her wrist and tying it loosely into a messy bun. "There we go, Pipsqueak, now let's get going."

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