Chapter Twenty

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"How the fuck do I plan a date with no money?!" Rosie exclaimed, running her hands through her hair as a groan of exhaustion fled from her throat.

"Pretty sure you use a thing called romance." Gash said, flicking through the television in boredom.

"Romance is dead."

"She said you can't use any money right?" Cunt perked up.

"Well yeah." Rosie sighed softly, she wanted tonight to be perfect. She didn't want Freya to run away because Rosie didn't have a romantic bone in her body.

"She never said we can't use money."

"That's cheating."

"It's her fault for not being specific."

A smirk tilted the corner of Rosie's mouth, "Right, let's get planning."


"Where're we going?" Freya smiled a beautiful, small smile that reached her glistening eyes. Her whole face had lit up the moment she'd seen Rosie. Freya was wearing a pale blue dress that fell to her mid thigh in a graceful way, the straps were very thin, so underneath she had a normal white shirt. Her vibrant, blonde hair was tied in a loose bun on her head. She looked stunning. Freya always managed to work the simple looks, and Rosie loved that about her.

Rosie felt herself stare at her for a second too long, before she said, "You need to put this blindfold on." Rosie bit her lip and held out a plain black strip of fabric.

"Kinky." Freya muttered, tying it around her face before grasping Rosie's hand. Rosie walked Freya to around the corner, where Cunt's car was and settled her safely inside.

Cunt drove in silence until they reached his house, he stepped out the car as Rosie did, "Good luck. Call me when you're done." He whispered and threw the keys to Rosie. She watched him cross the road and walk down the street.

Cautiously, Rosie helped Freya out of the car and led her inside, cupping the back of her head and kissing her as she stopped. Freya's body reacted instantly, wrapping her arms around Rosie's neck as she tugged her close. Rosie's fingers worked the tie in the blindfold until it dropped to the floor, "Surprise." She murmured against her soft lips.

The majority of the living room was hidden inside a huge fort made of various blankets. Freya noted that she'd never been in this house, but she was mesmerised by the fort. There were many blankets being held up by pillows and small poles to create an igloo type of thing. Rosie reached behind her date and switched the lights off, causing several lights to come to focus for Freya. The pale fairy lights had been woven around the poles inside the fort.

"Go inside." Rosie said.

Freya crouched and crawled inside, her hands and knees falling against the softest blanket she'd ever touched. Inside the fort was a laptop and a pile of various Disney movies, Freya's heart swelled at the sight. Yes, it was simple and plain, but Freya loved it. She shifted as Rosie crawled in after her.

"This is amazing," She smiled as she pressed a sweet, chaste kiss against Rosie's cheek.

Rosie realised how hard she would fight to see that smile. She'd always thought that romance was nothing worth fighting for, but when she saw Freya's smile, she was ready for war.

They both settled down, tangled in each others arms as the familiar Disney classics played on Rosie's laptop. Freya gradually grew heavier in Rosie's arms, falling asleep in the safest place in the world. Rosie smiled softly and caressed her forehead with a tender kiss. All of their troubles had disappeared-Freya's canvas was finally becoming colourful after all this time.

I wanna dedicate this to pheonix_12, my muse, my everything. She's as much a part of me as I am myself. And even after I fuck up, she's there. She's the most permanent part of my life and I never want that to change.

I love you, I can't say it in any other way. There aren't words big enough or small enough to describe what you mean to me, but I'm hoping that you understand you're everything to me.

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