Chapter Eighteen

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None of them spoke about the funeral, or the fact that Rosie had sat there-silent, emotionless. She was a blank canvas. If she felt anything, even the slightest pain, it hadn't been painted on the tightly woven linen. Freya watched her, she never moved, she hardly blinked. Rosie was empty. Her eyes were glossed over with a sense of nothing. Her body was limp.

The week flew by quickly, as Rosie said goodbye to her mother and the rest of the her relatives, there was a sombreness that clung to Rosie like a bad curse. And everyone was affected by it.

Right now, Freya was sat on Rosie's bed, her legs tucked tightly against her chest as Rosie leant against the window, a cigarette between her long fingers as she stared out at the rain. Thoughts of their intimate kiss swirled in Freya's head. At that moment, Bonnie was nothing to her. Freya had thought that their kiss was electrifying; but she obviously hadn't kissed Rosie yet.

She felt a dark despair cling to her heart as she thought about it, did Rosie care? Neither of them had mentioned it. And it was killing her. Tearing and shredding her insides to pieces.

"So then, Pipsqueak, enjoy your little week off?"

"No." Freya murmured.

"Why? I thought it was fan-fucking-tastic." The sarcasm dripped in her voice.

Freya stayed quiet, biting down on her tongue-commanding it to stay silent.

"Who tangled your rosary?" Rose turned, her sharp eyebrow raised.

"Just don't." Freya said, standing.

"Why not Pipsqueak?"

"Because I said so, alright? I know your sister passed away-and no child should face what she did-but you don't need to take it out on us or the rest of the world, Rosie. We're trying to help you."

"Well that's utter bullshit isn't it?"

"What?" Freya froze in her path. How dare she. How fucking dare she! "What did you say?"

"You've all just taken advantage of me!" Rosie said, the emotion finally relighting in her chest.

"Taken advantage of you? Taken advantage of you! You're the one who begged me for a kiss and then brushed me off like I was nothing to you!"

"No I didn't!" She yelled, throwing her cigarette butt out of the window before slamming it shut.

"Yes you did!" Freya's voice wavered with anger. "You never, ever think of my feelings!"

"I always think of your feelings!"


Rosie jaw tensed and she moved away from the window to face Freya. She took a step forward; and Freya took one backwards. The fire burnt in Rosie's eyes, but Freya could no longer read her emotions. Before she could feel the goodness of the wall, she was pinned against it under Rosie's weight and strength combined into one. Rose's harsh breath fanned over Freya face.

"I am not a liar."

"You treat me like I'm nothing to you."

"You are everything to me!"

The silence hung over them heavily. Their eyes were locked, both of them searching for a sign, a feeling, from each other. The tears welled in Rosie's eyes, the pain surfacing once again, and Freya softened beneath her.

How could she blame her? Rosie had always been a strong, confident girl-but her titanium armour was cracking into tiny pieces, shining light on the scared, delicate child beneath it.

Freya raised her hand and stroked the hair out of Rosie's face and tucked it behind her ear. Rosie leant down, gently colliding their lips together. Their lips moved in a perfect rhythm, their own song of emotion. They both knew that they had a lot to face, but right there and then, their blossoming love was the only thing they cared about.
Sorry it's been a while.

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