Chapter Fourteen

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She looked peaceful when she was asleep. Her dark, tousled hair lying across her face. Her lips were slightly parted, the perfect shape of her lips more defined that way. There was a dark circle on her neck with lipstick marks on her cheek. Freya decided that Rosie looked amazing when she was asleep. Freya was restless, she couldn't stop thinking of Bonny.

She wanted to call her.

She wanted Bonny to call her first.

She wanted to text.

She wanted to meet up with her.

She wanted to be kissed again.

The thoughts circled her head, getting caught in the webs of her mind like flies trapped by spiders. She replayed the memories of the night before over and over in her head like a film, pausing and rewinding the best moments. She even managed to skip past the part when a girl threw up on her shoes.

"It's like," She checked the time. "Ten o'clock Freya, go to sleep." Rosie grumbled, her mouth barely moving.

"Ten in the morning, Rose, that isn't early."

"Pipsqueak we got home at four, I've had six hours sleep, just shut up and go back to bed." She paused. "In the nicest way to say that." She continued.

"But I can't sleep."

"Well, I can. So how about you occupy yourself quietly and I'll sleep."

"Gosh, you're so rude." Freya smiled slightly.

"I will smother you with this pillow."

"Awww, c'mon, you're not a Daenerys."

"I. Understood. That. Reference." Rosie slowly sat up and stretched her arms. "God, I need a shower."

"I don't think God cares."

"Peak times." Rosie got up and looked at the time. "C'mon, we told your mum that you'd be home before eleven. It's quarter to." Rosie climbed out of the clothes she'd fell asleep in and slipped some black leggings on around her waist and pulled a Linkin Park hoodie on.

"No bra? Aren't you adventurous." Freya commented, pulling on the clothes from the night before; they smelt of sweat and perfume.

"I'm literally only walking you across the road, I do not need a bra to walk you that far."

"What if someone tries to kidnap me and you need to run?"

"I'll slowly walk." Rosie watched Freya tie her hair up, her eyes running along the delicate movements of her body. "And then just whack one of them with my boob."

"Nice tactic." Freya nodded and looked over at her friend. "Ready to go?"

"Mmhm." Rosie nodded and walked out jogging down the stairs. Mr and Mrs Nicholson were stood in the kitchen preparing a Sunday dinner. Rosie stepped out the house and walked across the road with Freya by her side. Freya felt like they'd been walking for hours.

"Thank you for taking me out, that kiss, it was just amazing. It's like something woke inside of me." Freya smiled, looking at Rosie as she stood on the porch step.

"So, you've finally discovered yourself?" Rosie smiled.

"Yes, thanks to you."

"Well, you're welcome, But trust me, if you enjoyed that kiss so much, just wait until you can kiss me, I'll have you addicted." Rosie winked and left a kiss on Freya's cheek before walking back to the house.

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