Chapter Sixteen

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Of all the times Freya wished she could see Rosie, she didn't this time. 

Rosie was sat in an arm chair facing the window, a small teddy bear wrapped up in her arms. Her eyes were a puffy red, they were bloodshot from either the lack of sleep or too many tears. She wore a Linkin Park t-shirt that was too big for her, a pair of shorts around her legs. Her hair was just a tangle of knots around her head. Her skin was pale, more pale than normal. Her cheeks were shadowed and seemed hollow, she'd lost a lot of weight. 

Freya felt her heart break, she felt it crumple. 

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Gash growled slightly, standing from the bed. "She doesn't deserve to be here." 

"Don't." Cunt glared. "Rose, I got someone for you." 

But there was no reply, no nothing. 

"Rosie." Freya spoke cautiously and walked over to the chair. 

"Fuck off!" Gash stood infront of her and pushed her back by her shoulder, he was strong. Freya felt herself stumble back into Louis. 

"Don't touch her!" 

Gash turned, shock written on his face as his friend spoke. Freya watched him fall back into the bed, his hand on his mouth. Rosie's fist fell to her side. 

"Don't touch her." Her voice was weak and wavering, as if she hadn't spoke for years. Her lips were cracked and looked sore. Rosie met Freya's gaze. "Are you hurt?" 

Freya shook her head. 

"No, of course she fucking isn't, what is the point in her being here?!" Gash rose, wiping the blood away from his lip. 

"She's here for me." Rosie said, not looking at him, her eyes focused on Freya. "She came for me."

Freya stood, she was speechless. 

Rosie wiped her eyes, "Cunt, give me your car keys." 

Louis stuttered, "Is that a very good idea?" 

"Give me the keys." Rosie said sternly. Louis handed over the keys sighing softly. 

Rosie grabbed a hold of Freya's hand and pulled her out of the room. She didn't say a word as she pulled her to the car. She got inside and waited for Freya to buckle up, then she drove. She drove until the lampposts turned to trees. She drove until the tarmac turned to dirt. Until the buildings turned to fields and the people turned to animals. 

She turned in and stopped beside a lake. Rosie climbed out of the car and sat on the bonnet. Freya followed and sat beside her. The silence stung like a rash. 

"I'm sorry about what happened." Freya said. 

Rosie smiled. But the smile was filled with hate and disgust, "I hope that bastard gets what he deserves." 


"My Dad." Rosie said. "He's a scummy bastard and he deserves to go to hell."

Freya placed her hand over Rosie's, "What happened?" 

Rosie stared at the water, "He killed her. He killed my sister. I was sent to the Nicholson's because I 'attacked' my father. My mum stayed on his side, she was too in love with him to go against him. Every night-every fucking night-we heard her cry. We heard her tell him that she loved him, that she wouldn't betray or turn her back to him. I normally defended myself and my sister, but it was that one fucking night! He had my mum pinned against the cooker, her was burning her hands for talking to the man across the road." 

"I had to help her. I grabbed his empty bottle and smashed it across the back of his head. The report went to the police, and of course, nobody believed a girl with bad grades and a petty crime report. So I was sent to a foster parent, to keep myself and the others safe. But I couldn't protect Katie," 

Freya watched Rosie's eyes tear up, "Don't." She said softly.  

"I couldn't protect her." Rosie looked at Freya. 

"No, you couldn't, and you need to understand that." Freya lifted her hand to cup Rosie's cheek. "There was nothing you could've done. Katie is safe now, she's with my Dad." 

Rosie met Freya's soft gaze, the sleep clouded her eyes. She slumped forward, her eyes closed, and brushed her lips against Freya's before pulling back. 

"Kiss me." Rosie mumbled, her hand grazing Freya's waist. Freya felt her heart flutter as she nodded. Rosie leant back in and kissed her once more. The kiss craved comfort, it craved love. Rosie needed both of those things from Freya. Rosie's hands fell around Freya's waist as Freya wrapped her arms around the girl's neck. Their kiss seemed to last blissful seconds, but when they finally arrived back to the hotel, the daylight had gone.

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