Chapter Six

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Freya stayed quiet on the walk back purely because she was ashamed. She was embarrassed that she'd seen Rosie differently, in truth, she was still human. She was still the girl from across the road that Freya felt drawn too.

Rosie sighed softly, "Do you even understand what a lesbian is? I understand if you were raised to dislike homosexuals, but do you understand what we are?"


"We're human." Rosie looked down at her hands, tracing the wrinkles on her palm. "We aren't the stereotype. We don't all wear bright pink and constantly wear dresses, I'm talking for gay men too. You've probably met loads of gay men in your life time, but just because they aren't wearing a Japanese Maid dress doesn't mean they aren't gay. It's like the lesbian stereotype, there isn't always a man in the relationship. Not every lesbian couple has one woman taking up the role of a man, and lesbians definitely don't always use the porn stereotype-big breasts and a big ass."

Freya paused and watched Rosie.

"We're human, we aren't strange, we aren't different, we're human. We're brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunties and uncles. Yes, some of us have fetishes and passions, but so does everyone else. A straight man can walk around in heels; a straight woman can have short hair and muscles. Stereotypes are disgusting, okay? I personally think that guys who walk around in heels and are damn fabulous are so brave for expressing themselves."

"Stop," Freya said, grabbing a hold of Rosie's hand. "Please, I'm begging you to just forgive me, okay?"

"Okay," Rosie sighed and pulled her hand away.
Sorry it's short guys!

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