Chapter Twenty-Four

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Freya couldn't stand there and watch-it made her feel sick. She felt a hard, sticky lump rise in her throat which was hopeless to swallow. Louis guided her outside as she became more light headed. Everything blurred together-the smell, the chanting and the dim lights.

Freya leant against the wall outside the weird apartment place-she couldn't just watch Rosie fight, it broke her heart.

At least an hour passed, but it felt like a decade. Freya watched the street light across the road flicker-this was definitely the rough side of town. This was the side of society that the government overlooked. The crying children, forced to the streets to avoid merciless parents. Young women forced into motherhood just to feel loved. Freya had never seen this side of the world, and it scared her.  The world moved around her in a flash-men staggering away and women hanging from their arms like trophies. The world made Freya sick, it was so twisted and bent with the norms of society-she hated it.

She stood and waited until Rosie walked out, counting a wad of money that shon in her palms. She was still wearing a cropped shirt and running bottoms, but she had a hoodie over the top. The dim light made the sweat across her faint six pack glisten.

"Rose," Freya murmured, stepping out of the shadowed darkness.

She took her hood off of her head-showing her bruised face. Rosie's jaw noticeably tightened as she heard her voice-that voice. She turned, her shoulders tense, but they immediately relaxed when she saw her. Rosie's face softened as she saw that beautiful blonde hair and those familiar eyes. Her heart swelled-she hated seeing her in dark colours, she deserved to be the brightest in the room. Nothing shined brighter than her.

Neither of them needed to say anything, Freya knew Rosie was sorry and had already accepted her apology. The string attached to their hearts pulled them closer and closer until they were nose to nose. Rosie's breath fanned over Freya's face; the blood was prominent.

"No more." Freya said gently as she cupped Rosie's face in her small hands. She had a dark circle forming around her eye and crimson was running from her eyebrow; it was deeply split. Freya pulled her down and pressed a light kiss against her chapped lips.

"Is that it then?"


"We aren't going to talk about how you just walked out without letting me explain myself? I would never, ever force you, if you'd have just told me then it wouldn't have gotten out of hand!" Rosie said, her voice elevating with her frustration. She'd never wanted to hurt Freya, but Freya had hurt her.

"Rose," Freya grasped her hands, afraid she would leave. "I'm sorry, I was afraid."

"And I wasn't afraid after you left me?! You were the only light in my life! And then you left, and now you come back as if nothing happened!" Rosie yelled, the hairs standing tall on her skin. "Just leave me, I was never any good for you. I ruined you. Make sure Cunt gets you home safely." She yanked her hand free and walked away, pulling her hood back over her head.

Freya swallowed the lump in her throat and pulled her phone out of her pocket to dial Louis. When he arrived, they walked back in silence.

Freya broke their painful quiet, "Why does she hate me?"

"I guess you could say she's not used to this. She's never really done the whole 'strings attached', all the other girls just wanted her for one thing." Louis shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

"What thing?"

"Stay innocent." Louis patted her head as if she was a three year old child asking what a tampon was.

"Oh," Freya blinked as the realisation hit her like a brick. "She's never had a proper relationship apart from that guy? Just sex? But she's only seventeen."

Louis sighed softly, his breath fogging infront of him. "I guess you could say that sex was an escape for her. Yes, she's only seventeen, but she's a seventeen year old who had to live with an abusive father for X amount of years. Sex was a distraction. You need to remember that there's a lot more behind her smile. She's a broken girl who just needs to be trusted." He turned to her as they stood at the end of her drive. "Please don't give up on her, you two-you have a connection that I can't replace. I'll always be there for her, but she'll never appreciate me like she appreciates you."

"I won't give up." Was all that Freya could say, because it was true. She wouldn't give up. She knew it was her fault for over reacting, she was going to fix her mistake if it was the last thing she would do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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