Chapter Seven

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"Just try it, Pipsqueak, I swear you won't die."

"I might, I could be allergic to cigarettes."

Freya was lying across Rosie's bed, watching Rosie smoke by the window. Freya was wearing a simple, grey t-shirt with the picture of a unicorn printed on the front. Her legs were covered in black and white leggings; they were white with black patterns on them. Rosie was stood in black jeans that complimented her long legs and an Avenged Sevenfold shirt.

"Well you sure as hell aren't allergic to fags." Rosie winked, a playful smile tilting her lips.

Freya rolled her eyes, sighing as she rolled over, "How's Rachael?"

Rosie shrugged, "Dunno, we get along and stuff. And my god, she's gorgeous! But it isn't all about look, do you get what I mean?"

Freya nodded.

"She's a good kisser though." Rosie smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at Freya.

"You kissed her?!" Freya bolted up right.

"Mmhm, as I said, I know how to get to a girl."

"Promiscuous woman ." Freya smiled.

"I prefer the term whore, none of your Christian crap in this house please." Rosie smiled back. "But yeah, she's all tongue though, she left so much saliva in my mouth I had to spit it out afterwards." She sniggered.

"Ew!" Freya threw a cushion at Rosie. "Disgusting-" She threw another. "Sinful-" She quickly looked around her to find another cushion. Rosie laughed and threw her one back. "Little whore!" Freya threw the cushion at her again.

"If I get grounded for this room being a mess I am pin-pointing it completely on you. Just a heads up." Rosie flicked the ash of her cigarette out of the window.

"I think you're more likely to get grounded for smoking in your room."

"Doubt it." Rosie replied.

"You sure you don't want to try it? I promise you won't die."

Freya felt her stomach churn at the thought of smoking a cigarette, she knew that they were bad and that they caused damage to people. If anything, she was worried for the health of her new friend. Their argument from the disco had been brushed under the carpet, they'd been spending more time together and were both quite happy to be close to eachother. It had been the first time that Freya was generally happy, and she was glad.

Freya looked over at Rosie's phone as it buzzed crazily.

"Pick it up for me." Rosie said, wafting smoke out of the window.

Freya groaned and answered the call without saying hello.

"Nice to know that you've finally picked up!" It was a male voice, and quite squeaky. "Anyway, write this down. Meet me at this location at seven, someone upset Lucy and we're blowing the bastards car. Okay?"

"Ummm," Freya hesitated. "I'll pass you to Rose."

Rosie wafted smoke out of the window and threw her fag out before closing the window. She walked over and took the phone, a smirk hitting her mouth as she checked the caller ID.

"Hello, Cunt, bout time you called. What'd you mean someone upset Lucy? No, I'll be right up. Oh, okay, I'll take the lift then. Hey, cunt, can my friend come? She's pretty quiet and stuff. What'd you mean she can't come? C'mon Cunt I can't leave her here by herself! Ugh, fine, I'll leave her here. But she's coming next time! How's Gash? Single? Poor prick. See you soon anyway. Bye Cunt." Rosie laughed and put her phone down.

"Who was that?"

"My friend Cunt."

"Yeah, but that's not his real name, is it?"

"Well, no, Cunt's name is Louis, but we call him Cunt because he doesn't do it in the arse. And Gash's name is Callum, he's called Gash, because-well-you know, he'll take whatever gash is inbetween your legs." Rosie shrugged.

Freya paused, her eyebrows knitting together with confusion, "What's a 'gash'?"

Rosie looked at her, her eyes asking if she was being serious. Seeing the confusion plastered on Freya's face, she continued talking, "Gash, isn't it obvious? Pipsqueak it's your fanny, okay? Your vagina. Whatever you called it as a kid."

"My mum used to call it a tuppence."

"Yeah, well my dad used to call it a minge." 

"That's disgusting." Freya frowned. "Why call it something so nasty?"

Rosie shrugged, "Better than calling it a pussy."

"Guess so," Freya sighed and stood up. "I'll walk myself over the road."

"Nah nah, Pipsqueak, I'll walk you home. It's nice to see the disgust on your mums face when you're with me."

Rosie walked her across the road, hugged Freya goodbye and then waited for Gash and Cunt to show up.

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