Chapter Fifteen

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Freya hadn't seen Rosie for at least a week, and she was beginning to grow agitated. She hadn't seen Rosie on the street at all, and she hadn't heard her Mum slag her friend off either. Freya felt like a part of her had been pulled away, as if a chunk of her flesh had been bitten off by a vicious zombie.  

Freya walked downstairs, a pair of red jeans fitting snugly around her hips and a white shirt with red sleeves hugging her torso. She slipped on her trainers and ran a hand through her wavy hair, not even the ghost of a smile haunted her face. 

"Are you okay, honey?" Her Mum said, an apron around her as she poured flour into a bowl. Her Mum always baked to pass the time.

"I need some new shoes, I'm going to town." Freya muttered abruptly, grabbing her purse and walking out of her home. 

Freya walked into town. It was the same town that she'd visited at least one thousand times; but she felt lost. She couldn't think straight, she couldn't process thoughts. She felt the same pain she did when her Dad had passed away, she missed her friend deeply. She walked past the costume shop, the memories flooding back to her like light in a dark room. She was lost in thought when she heard loud bass booming from a car. She recognised the way the engine screamed. 

The black Ford Mustang Boss 302 pulled up beside her, "Freya?" 


"Hey," A soft, pleasant smile spread on Rosie's friend's face. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah," Freya sighed softly, the mask she wore was beginning to break. She needed to talk to someone. She needed to express her worry, her pain, to somebody who could understand. "Where's Callum?" 

Cunt paused for a moment, "He's with Rose." 

A pain stabbed into her at the mention of her, "Rosie?" 

"Yeah." Louis sighed. "I guess you don't know, huh?" 

"Know what?" 

Louis climbed out of the car, only then did Freya notice the bags under his eyes. She saw that his long hair wasn't tied up and it hadn't been brushed. "Rosie's little sister-Katie-did you know about her?" 

"Rosie talked on the phone to her once whilst I was there, but we haven't really spoken about her." Freya's mind casted back to the night that Katie called her sister. She remembered Jonathan. She remembered how sick she felt. She shook off the thought quickly and focused on what Louis had to say. 

"She passed away. Rosie, Gash and I have been staying in a local hotel so she can attend the funeral this weekend." 

"Louis," Freya's head spun. "Louis I have to see her. I have to make sure she's okay." 

"She isn't." Cunt met her gaze. "She's not okay, and that's one of the reasons I came down here. She'll never admit it, but Rosie needs you. There's only so much Gash and I can do. She needs you." 

"I need to pack some clothes and I'll come." Freya nodded. "Drive me home and I'll be about ten minutes." 

The drive home was silent and fast. Freya left a note for her mum and packed a duffel bag of essentials and ran back to the car. 

She knew Rosie needed her, and she was going to be there for her.

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