Chapter Nineteen

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It was one month later and everything had changed. Rosie and Freya weren't exactly official-neither had asked the question-but whenever they were alone, they just couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Every second they were alone, it was like they only had moments to live. They were each others forbidden fruit. Gash and Cunt noticed everything, the lingering eye contact, the constant closeness, even the excuses to not being able to come out-but they didn't mind.

"I think," Rosie murmured, her lips pressed against Freya's soft hair. "We should go on an official date. Let me spoil you and all that shit. I'm pretty sure I could sell the boys some of my fags for the money. "

They were both lying on the bed in Rosie's room, the dull sound of Alice In Wonderland filled the heartfelt silence between them both. Their legs were tangled together, Freya's head rested on Rosie's shoulder as she ran her fingers up and down Freya's back. She found comfort in being able to hear Rose's heartbeat, it was always so calm and consistent. It grounded Freya in a way that no gravity could.

"I don't want to be spoilt." Freya said, looking up into Rosie's dark eyes. Her septum ring shined in the dull sunlight that seeped through the blinds. She smelt of strong tobacco, and Freya kinda liked it.

"But I want to take you out on a date, and I want to spoil you Pipsqueak."

"Fine, I'll accept your offer of a date, on one condition." Freya sat up, moving away from Rosie's embrace.


"No money can be spent."

"Gonna be a pretty shit date then." Rosie's sharp eyebrow had risen once again, and Freya wondered how high it could go.

"A date with you doesn't need a lack of money to be shit."

"Woah, kitten, put those claws away." Rosie grasped the back of Freya's thigh and pulled her ontop so that she was straddling her. Their faces were inches apart, the silence making their chest's tighten with desire. Freya ran her hands through Rosie's hair, it reached her ears this time-Freya quite liked it short and messy, but she wasn't going to complain.

"Don't call me kitten." Freya murmured.

"Why not?" It took everything for Rosie to keep her eyes off of Freya's luscious lips. They were so soft, and untouched, it was like kissing an angel when their lips met. Rosie hated herself for touching them, she felt like her lips were butterfly wings-the more you touched them the more damaged they became. And yet, she couldn't stop.

"I prefer Pipsqueak."

"I think I prefer it too." Rosie's thumbs rubbed small, tender circles into the back of Freya's jeans. 

Freya's eyes shined, "Are you just going to stare at me or do I get a kiss?"

"Ask nicely."

"No." Freya's pushed her lower lip out into an irresistible pout. Rosie couldn't take it, she inched forward and commanded their lips to meet.

"I need to plan our date." Rosie said, gently brushing Freya off as she stood.

"When is it?"

"Let's say tonight, deal?"

"Deal." A smile filled Freya's face and she knelt up on the bed and kisses Rosie one last time. An electric buzz of excitement ran through her as she thought of an official date with Rosie. There was nothing she wanted more than to be official with her, and even though she hadn't asked her to be her girlfriend, she could feel it coming.

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