Chapter Nine

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Rosie walked over to Freya, whose body was crumpled into itself as if she were delicate paper. Closer towards her friend, Rosie saw that her shoulders were shaking. A tremble had shivered over her small body; her breathing was unstable and seemed to jitter in her throat. Her thin fingers were raked through her blonde hair, her fringe curtaining over her face. 

"Freya?" Rosie broke the silence.

Freya looked up, tears running down her cheeks, her eyes were puffy and red from crying. Rosie felt a pang of emotion ring through her chest.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Rosie fell to her knees infront of Freya and cradled her hands in her own.

"It''s my mum." Freya tried to steady her breathing.

"What about your mum?" It felt wrong to call her Pipsqueak at this moment.

"She's in hospital." Freya's voice was uneven and pained, it tore through Rosie like a razor scraping over her skin.

"Why? Why is she in hospital?"

"We...we were arguing-" Freya didn't finish her sentence, she was cut off by an unhuman sob that broke through her chest. Her hands flew to her face and covered it. Her body shook violently from head to toe.

"Calm down," Rosie took her hands away from her face, glancing back at the car that was still there. "Let's go inside, huh? Then we can talk properly." Freya nodded as Rosie gestured for Cunt and Gash to come inside. Mr and Mrs Nicholson weren't in, thankfully they had gone out for their anniversary. Rosie held Freya's elbow, supporting her as she walked unsteadily into the house. They all went straight to the sitting room. Gash sat down in the arm chair, staying quiet as he examined Freya. Cunt sat on the other side of her, his hand rubbing gently up and down her arm, his brotherly instincts had kicked him in the head. Rosie was in the kitchen, making some drinks for everyone and grabbing food.

"So let me guess," Gash said as he sank back into the arm chair. "You're Freya, you're that girl she wanted to bring with us."

"Oh," Was all Freya could say.

"Well I'm glad she didn't, you seem like an utter pussy." He continued.

"Gash," Cunt said, raising his eyebrows at him in a stern look. "Now is not the time to interrogate."

"Now is the perfect time to interrogate."

"Right," Rosie walked in, balancing a plate of packets of crisps, chocolate and packets of sweets on one arm with four mugs clutched between her hands. She awkwardly half placed half dropped them on the coffee table. After placing everything on the table, Rosie went straight to Freya. She dropped down next to her and took her slim waist in her hands and drew her into her lap. Freya collapsed against Rosie, soft sobs rattling her chest.

Cunt flicked the television on, absently playing with the stretcher plug fitted in his lobe, "So what happened?"

"Let her catch her breath first," Rosie said, meeting his gaze over Freya's shoulder. When Freya's breathing calmed against Rosie's neck, Rosie pushed gently, "You were arguing?"

"Yeah," Freya breathed. "We were arguing, I went to walk out. But my mum grabbed my wrist-she wasn't being rough or anything! She'd never, ever hurt me. She was just trying to stop me from leaving-she-she wasn't being forceful. She wasn't being controlling. I-I remember her crying, she was crying. I pushed her off of me-" Freya stopped, tears choking against her throat. With Rosie's hand rubbing soft circles into her back, she calmed her breathing and continued. "I pushed her too hard. I swear down on my dad's grave, I did not mean to push her hard. I swear I didn't. I just wanted to walk out, I just couldn't handle upsetting her." The tears ran down her cheeks, gathering under her chin. "I pushed her too hard, she fell. Oh God, she fell. She fell. She fell. She fell. Oh God, she fell. She hit the floor. Her head. Her-her head. She split it open and she lost consciousness. God I didn't mean to hurt her. Blood, just blood. Blood everywhere. Blood. Blood. Blood."

Rosie's eyes softened, "And you phoned an ambulance?"

"Yes," Freya breathed heavily and quickly. "They came an hour ago, I stayed here and waited for you."

"What was the argument about?" Cunt asked, gently taking Freya's hand and massaging her knuckles inbetween his fingers.

"I said it was her fault that I didn't understand my feelings, I said that it was her and my dad's fault that I wasn't attracted to boys. I blamed her for feeling different. I said that she'd blocked me from the world, she'd stopped me from having experiences that I needed. I blamed everything-everything-on her and my dad."

Rosie looked at her, "Freya you just might not be sexually mature to feel attracted to anyone."

"I do feel attracted to some people, just not the ones I want to be attracted too. I had the perfect chance with Jonathan, he's an amazing guy when he isn't drunk, but when he kissed me-or even touched me-I felt sick to the core. It wasn't a nervous sickness; it was a puking sickness."

"You probably kissed the wrong guy." Gash perked up. "Try me, I'll have you begging for me to sleep with you just by touching your hair."

"Oh go and shag someone who actually wants you." Freya snapped. It was obvious that the tension was strong between them, it lingered strongly in the air.

Gash sank back into his chair, his eyebrows raised. He was about to say something, but both Rosie and Cunt sent him the look of, don't you fucking start shit.

"How 'bout we all settle into a film for abit?" Cunt asked, getting up and flicking the third film of the Fast and Furious movie series. Rosie held Freya tightly, but all Freya did was fall asleep in her safe embrace.

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