Chapter Thirteen

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Freya wrapped her index finger around the belt loop of Rosie's trousers as the wove through the crowd of people. Freya had expected the inside of the club to be different to how it was. She expected to see men in tight booty shorts and tank tops, covered in glitter with brightly coloured hair. She thought all the girls would have short hair was broad shoulders with tattoos up their arms with a body warmer around their torso. But-she was wrong. The men looked...ordinary. They all seemed quite handsome. The girls girls. Some of them wore dresses, some wore jeans and some wore skirts.

Rosie made sure that Freya was close at all times, her fingers intertwining with hers when the crowds got too aggressive with the music. Freya noticed two men sat in the booths, their fingers tangled in each other's hair with their lips battling against one another's. She didn't feel disgusted, she looked past them as if they were a man and woman.

Freya was directed to the bar by Rosie, who had to yell over the music.

"What do you want to drink?" Cunt asked Freya, holding his wallet in one hand.

"Just a coke please!" Freya felt her ears vibrate against the bass of the music.

Cunt nodded and asked Rosie and Gash what they were drinking before he ordered.

"So," Rosie leant next to her, the smell of her perfume intoxicated Freya like a drug. "Anyone you like the look of?"

Freya dragged her eyes away from Rosie's close body and looked at the people dancing on the dancefloor. Her eyes fell on a particular girl with red hair. Her hair fell in red vines down her back. She was pale with small freckles scattered across her face and arms. She had a black dress on that hugged the right places. She wasn't a skinny mini, but she was definitely beautiful. She had thick thighs and a wide waist, but that's what made her body seem so enticing.

Rosie followed Freya's line of vision, her eyes falling on the red-headed girl, "Wait until she comes to the bar, then buy her a drink, don't tell her your age she's probably twenty or something. 'Kay? Then get talking."

Freya nodded her head, watching the girl dance against the flow of the beat. Rosie had made eyes with a dark-skinned girl who was behind the bar, and had already started with her flirting skills of Joey Tribbiani.

The red-haired girl, with a thin layer of sweat glistening across her face, walked to the bar. Freya tried to swallow the lunch in her throat, shifting closer and leaning on the bar casually, "Hey."

"Hi," Freya only just about heard the thick Scottish accent in her voice.

"Can I get you a drink?" Freya asked.

The girl's lips tilted into a smile, "I'll have a Screaming Orgasm if you're paying."

Freya tried to hide her blush, "Of course."

"I haven't seen you here before." The red-haired girl ran her eyes along Freya's body.

"It's my first time."

"First time for what? Being here? Going to a gay bar?"

"Both." Freya sipped her coke as the girl's cocktail was handed to her.

"Well, you're kinda cute, you look kinda young though. How old are you?"

"Oh-" Freya stuttered nervously. "I'm sixteen."

"I turned eighteen last week. Abit young to be here, though, aren't you?" The red-haired beauty smirked playfully, raising her eyebrow-causing Freya to think of Rosie.

"Well," Freya rubbed her neck, the story spilled out of her mouth like drool. She explained how she was unsure about her sexuality and how her friend had brought her here to see if she liked women. She explained how she'd never, ever, developed a crush on a man before. She told the redhead about her curiosity.

"So, yeah, that's it."

"Well, I'm Bonny-Lee, but Bonny is fine."

"Isn't that a Scottish name?" Freya asked.

"Well, Bonny means charming or pretty."

"Which you are." Freya smiled.

"What's your name?" Bonny asked.

"Oh, I'm Freya. Just ordinary Freya."

"Well, Freya, I want to be your first." Bonny said.

"My first? What?" Freya turned red from head to toe.

Bonny leant over the bar, closer to Freya, and pressed her lips against Freya. Freya was shocked, stunned, she didn't know what to do. Bonny slid closer and put a hand against her waist. Her hand was comfortable against her side, it felt right. Freya closed her eyes and let herself go-kissing back with a spark that she hadn't felt before. It wasn't like kissing Jonathan; it didn't make her feel sick. It gave butterflies to her stomach. The music died down, it was only her and Bonny. Nobody else was there-not Rosie, nor Cunt, nor Gash. Just Bonny, Freya and their heartbeats.

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