Chapter Seventeen

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It was Katie's funeral and nobody was prepared for it. Going to a child's funeral was always hard, everyone always thought of the child's potential in life; what they could've achieved and what was waiting for them. Louis and Callum had both hired suits for the occasion. Louis wore his hair back in his normal bun whereas Callum's hair was slicked back neatly. Both of them had no trouble getting ready, almost every man wore a suit to a formal event.

Freya was the one who struggled. The last time she'd been to a funeral, her Mum had planned out what she'd worn. Freya wanted to be there for Rosie, nobody else. She pushed back the thoughts of her father's funeral, she thought of sitting in the church as a young girl, confused as to why her father was asleep in the box in front of her. She remembered her mother crying, she remembered the painful sound she heard when she sobbed.

Freya tried to swallow the lump in her throat as she continued the fishtail plat down her back. She tied the end with a red bobble and got her make up bag out. She applied gentle, natural make up, only to cover up the few spots and redness that was on her face. She was wearing a black dress that had long, black, lace sleeves that brushed her wrists. She slipped into her heels and straightened her dress before walking out.

She grabbed her clutch and walked out, her eyes catching with the boys, "Where's Rose?"

"We thought she was with you." Louis's brow furrowed as he saw the confusion cloud Freya's face.

"No." Freya sighed softly and rubbed her forehead, "I'll find her."

Freya stepped outside the hotel room and dialled her friend. She called her at lest three times before Rosie picked up, "Hey, where are you?"

"I'll meet you at the service, I'm with my mum at the moment."

And with that, Rosie hung up.

The journey to the funeral was silent, there were so many words lingering between everyone but none of them were brave enough to speak out. Thinking of how Rosie felt made Freya feel physically sick to her core. The compassion and empathy was strong between the two, she just wanted to hold her close and tell her everything would be okay.

Callum, Louis and Freya all sat at the back, understanding that none of them had actually been invited-none of them even knew Katie well enough to say her favourite colour.

Freya's breath caught in throat as she saw Rosie stand at the front. She was wearing a slimming black shirt and black trousers, the first button undone and the shirt itself hanging from her trousers. Freya noticed her hair cut, her hair was slicked back with grade one shaved hair along both sides. In the light, Freya could see her sharp cheekbones and her harsh jawline.

She looked stunning.

Rosie's lips parted, drawing in a desperate breath before speaking about her sister. Freya couldn't hear the words, only the monotone in her friends absent voice. Rosie's eyes were blank, they weren't mischievous or sad, her pupils were dilated and she just stared as she spoke.

It wasn't the fact that her face was emotionless, it was the way her words slurred into each other's, Freya suddenly understood-she couldn't hear what she was saying because the words were literally jumbling together.

Louis and Callum both looked at each other before Louis nodded and muttered, "She's off her face."

Freya held her breath, drugs.
Sorry it's short

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