#2 He has a child from a pervious relationship

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#2 He has a child from a previous relationship.


Michael - ”Hey come here you tard.” Michael joked with his 3 year old daughter, Mackayla, as she began seat jumping in the restaurant. “Dada?” She questioned, grabbing a fry from his plate as he smiled down at her. “Yes love.” “Where is mommy?” There’s the question Michael was dreading to answer. When Michael’s ex girlfriend gave birth to their child, she couldn’t take all the pressure all the hate she was getting from everyone. So she gave the baby to Michael and just walked out on both of them. Michael has had to experience early parenthood by himself for the past 3 years. “Mommy is uh,” She looked up at him, her beautiful eyes boring a hole into his. “Mommy’s gone.” Michael’s lip quivered as Mackayla stood, wrapping her arms around Michael’s neck and kissing him fully on the lips. “But I love you daddy.” Michael smiled, beginning to tickle his daughter as she squealed. A bell ringed, signalling someone came into the restaurant. “Excuse me?” You asked, seeing Michael look up from his daughter as he seemed speechless. “I’m new here to Australia. I’m from a student exchange program and I can’t seem to find the library. I’m Y/N by the way.” You said, extending your hand as Michael shook it, his eyes never leaving yours. “Hi!” Mackayla spoke, giggling up at you as you smiled. “I’m Michael and this is Mackayla, my daughter.” You nodded and smiled, biting your lip as he stood. “I can show you to the library after we finish our lunch?” You gasped, putting your hand over your mouth. “Am I intruding? I’m so sorry!” He shook his head, smiling at you as you seemed to panic a little bit. “You can join if you want?” His smile was warming, so you nodded, sitting in front of him and little did you know this wouldn’t be the last you’d be seeing of them.

Luke - You nervously grabbed the ends of your dress as Luke was driving you to his parents house. “Okay you’ve been grabbing at your dress for almost the whole car ride,” He paused, putting his hand over yours as he smirked. “That can mean one of two things,” He paused again, stopping outside of the house as you bit your lip, not meeting his gaze. “Either you’re nervous or horny.” You giggled as he did too, you smacking his hand. “A little bit horny but mostly nervous.” He sighed, grabbing your hands, kissing them softly as he pushed down his sunglasses. “Kaiden is only a year old, he’s still a baby so he won’t hit you in the face or anything. I promise he’ll like you.” The time finally came where you were going to meet Luke’s son. You felt so bad for him, his ex walking out on them and leaving Luke with a big responsibility like that must have been hard for him. “Come on.” You held tight to his hand, as he walked in. “DA!” You heard a squeal, Liz walking over with Kaiden. Luke let go of your hand as he grabbed his son. You smiled up at him. He was dressed in a puppy dog onesie, his hair was just as blonde as Luke’s, and he even had Luke’s dimples. “Kai, I want you to meet, Y/N. This is dada’s new girlfriend.” You smiled as Kaiden looked down at you. “Take him.” You held your your hands as he reached for you, Luke smiling as you took him. “Hi bud.” He held tight around your neck, squealing as he smiled. “He likes you.” Liz said, kissing your temple as Luke watched you in awe.

Ashton - You laid on top of Ashton, both of you naked as you just finished another long night. You knew Ashton had another child already, but you have yet to meet him. “When am I going to get to meet him?” You asked, resting your chin on his chest as he sighed, both of his hands running up and down your bare back. “Well,” He trailed off, your hands playing with his hair as his phone started to ring. You laid your head back on his chest as he answered. “Hello? … Yeah, man. … We’re actually just ch— … He wants what? … Okay, okay. I’m coming. … Bye.” You looked up at him as he sighed, putting his phone down and kissed your forehead. “You’re going to meet him tonight.” You rolled off of Ashton, as he stood to get dressed. “What?” “Apparently Michael doesn’t know how to babysit so, Daniel is coming.” You nodded and started to get dressed too. Throwing on some undies and pajamas while Ashton was away. You were nervous and excited, but mostly nervous. A while later Ashton pulled up and you ran to the front door. You stood there, as he walked in, Daniel clinging onto him tightly as he was half asleep. “Daniel, look. This is daddy’s pretty new girlfriend.” He winked at you as Daniel lifted his head, before putting it back down. “He’s also very shy.” He walked closer, Daniel lifting his head and smiling at you. “Hi.” You spoke, waving as he waved weakly back, hugging back to Ashton’s neck as he sighed. “I’m going to put him in bed. Maybe tomorrow he’ll be ready to actually communicate.” You nodded and smiled, watching as Ashton walked towards his son’s room.

Calum - “Calum, I am really nervous!” You squealed as he was pushing you towards his mom’s house, the heel of your shoe literally digging into the ground. “Baby come on! She’s only 2, I promise she isn’t that judgmental!” You halted, Calum stumbling as he still held tight to your waist. “You trust me right?” You nodded, kissing his nose as he chuckled, holding you closer. “With my whole heart and soul.” He smiled at your answer, kissing your forehead. “Then trust me on this.” You nodded, allowing him to take you into his house. You froze when you saw Mali walking over to you two with Olivia. You remembered the story of Calum and his ex. The baby was just a mistake, but as soon as they had it she only stuck around for a while and then she was gone. You snapped out of your daze when you heard a squeal. “Daddy!” “Hey Livie!” You smiled as Calum swooped her from Mali, spinning her around once as he placed a many of kisses to her chubby cheeks. He sat her down on the floor as she looked up at you. “Olivia, this is Y/N.” She smiled, taking your hand and beginning to pull you upstairs. “She wants to show you her dolls.” Calum said, smiling as you followed her up the stairs. “These are my dollies.” She said, sitting down as you sat with her. “They are cute. Just like you.” You poked her tummy as she giggled, moving so she was sitting in your lap. “You can be her.” She handed you one, as you began dressing up the doll. “Told you she would like you.” Calum said, sitting on her bed as Olivia still remained in your lap, now her head was resting on your chest as she played with her dolls.

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