#3 Your child walks in on you.

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#3 Your child walks in on you.


Michael - ”Alright, have fun!” Michael waved off Mackayla as she got into the car with her friend to spend the night at her house tonight. He shut the door, spotting you in the kitchen as you were making your way to the living room. “Well Mackayla is gone and where is Leann?” He asked, peeking from behind the couch, his hand resting on your exposed thigh. “In her room.” You replied, taking a sip of coffee as Michael started to kiss your neck. “Michael, no.” You pleaded, putting down your mug in attempt to push him off. “Why not? She won’t be back until morning and Leann won’t be down for a while. I miss you.” The last part made you think and really start to miss him too. You gave in, allowing him to have you both undressed within minutes. You straddled him, lowering yourself onto him as you heard a small gasp come from the side of the couch. You gasped when you saw Leann, running back up to her room. “Oh god.” You put on your panties and Michael’s singlet, running to check on her. “Baby?” She was hidden under her covers, and you couldn’t help but giggle a bit. “Was daddy hurt mommy? Is that why you were sitting on him?” You giggled and nodding, kissing her forehead as she grabbed her teddy bear. “Yeah, but don’t worry about it. It’s past your bedtime.” She nodded, turning over as you shut the door to her bedroom, resuming what you and Michael were doing.

Luke - Your kids were completely off their rockers today. ”Kaiden and Ashleigh! Please get somewhere and be still!” They once again disobeyed, continuing to chase each other around the house, screaming. “I’m ho—woah!” Ashleigh ran into Luke’s legs as he picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. “Are you kids giving your mom a horrible time?” They giggled as he set her down, going to find you. “Hi babe.” You greeted, kissing him as dinner was now ready. “Are you two ready to settle down?” You asked, tucking them in as they nodded, both yawning at the same time. “Goodnight!” “Night mommy!” They screamed, you smiling as you reunited with Luke in the bedroom. “Today was so stressful.” You complained, looking in the mirror as Luke was propped on his elbows, laying on the bed. “We need some alone time this weekend.” You smirked, walking to him. “How about now?” “But Y/N w—wow.” You peeled off your shirt, revealing you in just your panties. “Or now. Now is great.” You straddled him, kissing him as he ran his hands down your body. You peeled off his shirt as you heard a small knock on the door. You quickly threw his shirt on, walking over to the door, seeing Kaiden sucking his thumb. “I can’t sleep mommy.” He said, whimpering as you picked him up, looking at Luke. “How about we go get a quick snack?” He nodded and hugged your neck, you mouthing an apology to Luke as he groaned, falling back onto the bed.

Ashton - ”All the Irwin kids downstairs stat!” Bryce was the first down, his pacifier hanging in his mouth, even though he was five years old. “What!? I’m in the middle of a very good movie!” Bethany complained, as Daniel nudged her. “What is it? The Notebook." He mocked, as she punched his shoulder, your kids surrounding you and Ashton. "You guys do know tonight is family night, right?" Your two teenagers groaned as you giggled. "Well I have a date tonight." Bethany said, as Daniel rolled his eyes. "Excuse me? Your only 15." You said, giving her a look as she laughed. "Kidding. But my friends invited me to a get together her family is having. Daddy can I go please?" She stuck out her bottom lip as Ashton groaned, "Fine Beth, you can go. We’ll just do it tomorrow." The night dragged along, Daniel out with his friends and Bethany has been gone for a while now. You and Ashton were on the couch, having a very heated make out session. "You know we can’t." He groaned, "They are all gone and Bryce has been asleep for hours." You gave in, laying naked under Ashton as he slowly entered you. "AAH!" Bethany screamed, covering her eyes and running upstairs. "Oops." Ashton said, giggling as you rolled your eyes, "May as well finish, right?" "Then we can check on her." "Right." You smiled, kissing him again.

Calum - You ventured to the 5SOS dressing room, finding Olivia and Isabella reading a magazine as the boys were getting ready. You spotted Ashton, Calum’s roommate for tonight as you walked to him. “Ashton, buddy, pal, trusted best fri—” “What do you want, Y/N?” He asked, seeing in your eyes you wanted to ask him something. “Well you see, Calum and I haven’t had any alone time in a while and since the girls are in our hotel room tonight we won’t be able to, you know,” Ashton put his hand to you, “Spare the details. But alright, you two go at it.” Ashton offered the girls to follow him as you and Calum were left alone. “Alone at last.” He said, you jumping on him as he backed you against the wall, pulling off your shirt as he was kissing across your chest. Meanwhile, the girls were standing on the stage, watching Ashton fix his drums. “Oh crap! Ashton, if we’re not on watch, can we go get our phones?” Ashton sighed, his eyes not leaving his drums. “Yeah, go for it.” The girls linked arms, going to the dressing room. Calum hovered over you, putting your legs over his shoulders as you heard a small squeal. You two gasped, putting on your clothes as the girls ran back to Ashton with scared faces. “What’s wrong?” “O-Our p-parents.” Ashton gasped, seeing you and Calum coming onto the stage. “Thanks Ash.” You said, flicking his ear as Calum walked over to Isabella and Olivia. “We don’t want to talk about it, daddy.” “Good then don’t.” He said, ruffling their hair as they groaned.

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