#33 The Morning After He Stays the Night

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#33 The Morning After He Stays the Night

Calum: You open your eyes and groan at the sunlight pouring through your windows. You shut your eyes tighter than before and roll over, pulling your duvet over your head. Your hand hits what feels like another body and your eyes fly open. You gasp, throwing the duvet off when you see your best friend, Calum, beside you. You sit up and feel a draft against your naked body. “No, no, no,” you whisper as you notice that Calum is also unclothed. “This can’t be happening,” you say to yourself in a panic. As you think of what to do, Calum stirs in his sleep. You pull a sheet up to cover your chest and watch anxiously as his eyes flutter open and he looks around in confusion. He catches sight of you and jumps, flying out of the bed and then quickly grabbing a pillow to cover himself. “I know,” you say before he has a chance to speak. “What - what,” he breathes in confusion. You shake your head, showing that you know no more than he. “What happened?” he asks in shock. “We must have been really drunk,” you chuckle humorlessly. “No kidding,” he agrees. You stay silent, thinking over how this will affect your friendship. A hint of a smile plays at Calum’s lips. “What?” you ask as he begins to chuckle to himself. He quickly drops the smile before asking, “Do you remember anything from last night?” You shake your head, still not understanding how this could be funny. He gestures to the floor where your sexiest lingerie lay next to what appears to be a blindfold. “What did we do,” you sigh before bursting out in laughter. “I wish I remembered,” Calum admits, taking a seat on the bed, “Because by the looks of your room it must have been fun.” “We could always do it again some time,” you mumble quietly. Calum looks at you as if to see if you are serious or not. Noticing your reddening cheeks and sheepish grin, Calum laughs and sends you a wink. “Definitely,” he confirms, still laughing.

Luke: You wake up to the ringing of your alarm, groaning as you roll over to silence it. Luke’s arm wraps around your waist, pulling you back against him. “Luke,” you sigh, pushing against him, “I have to get up.” “No you don’t,” Luke mumbles, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Luke, let me go,” you repeat, although you can feel your resistance dwindling. “But you’re warm,” he whines, “And it’s so cold in here without you.” “Then put on some clothes,” you giggle, poking his bare side. He lets out a breathy laugh, but still doesn’t release you. “Just ten more minutes,” Luke pleads. “I’m gonna be late for work,” you sigh, still struggling against Luke’s tight grasp. “Call in sick,” Luke suggests. You mull the idea over, considering that you haven’t used a sick day yet and Luke was only in town for a few more days. “Here,” Luke offers, reaching over you and grabbing your phone from the bedside table. He dials your boss’s number and puts the phone to your ear. “Hello?” you hear through the phone. “Hi,” you say with a cough, “It’s Y/N, uh, I got food poisoning last night I think and, well, I won’t be able to come in today.” You feel Luke smile against your skin. “Yeah,” you say into the phone, ignoring Luke’s lips on your skin, “I will, thanks.” You hang up and roll over, facing Luke. “You win this time,” you say with a smirk. “Yay,” Luke laughs, smiling down at you. “You better make my sick day worthwhile,” you tell him, biting your lip. “Oh, I will,” he assures you, kissing you tenderly. 

Ashton: A pounding at your door wakes you with a start. “Ashton!” you whisper, shaking his shoulder, “Ashton, wake up!” “Y/n?” your dad’s voice calls through the door, “Are you up? Breakfast is almost ready.” “I’m just getting dressed!” you call out as you hop out of bed. “Ashton, get up!” you whisper, hitting him with a pillow. He sits up, looking around confused. “My parents are awake!” you tell him urgently. Ashton curses under his breath as he hops up, searching your floor for his clothes. “Here,” you say, shoving his shirt into his hands. He throws it over his head and is just slipping his pants on when a knock comes again. You push Ashton down, motioning for him to get under your bed, and you open the door. “Did you want chocolate chips in your pancakes?” your dad asks, giving you a confused look when he notices that you’re out of breath and still in your pajamas. “That’d be great,” you say with an innocent smile. “Okay,” he says slowly, “Are you alright?” “Never better,” you affirm with a nod, “Just trying to decide what to wear today.” “Are you going out?” he asks. “I think I’ll probably go see Ashton,” you tell him with a shrug. “I like him” your dad says thoughtfully, “He’s a good kid.” “Definitely,” you agree. “Well, I’ll let you get dressed,” he says before leaving. You shut the door and turn back to where Ashton is crawling out from under your bed. “Glad I have your dad’s approval,” he says with a wry smile. “Yeah, well you won’t if he sees you here,” you answer, pushing him toward the window. “I’ll see you tonight,” he laughs, kissing you quickly before he escapes out your window.

Michael: “Y/n, it’s noon. You need to - oh!” your mother freezes in the doorway, seeing that you are not alone. “Uh, Mom, I -” you look to your sleeping boyfriend next to you and turn back, open mouthed and unable to come up with anything to tell her. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you had company,” your mother says. “We just, uh, sorry,” you mumble, blushing. “That’s alright,” she answers, “Just be glad your father is working, because if he came in here -” She cuts herself off with a shudder, but you know what she means. You nod solemnly and your mother nods in return. “Anyway, it’s noon and you need to be up,” she continues briskly, “I was making sandwiches and I’ll make one for Michael if he’d like to stay?” “Yeah, I’m sure he will,” you answer with a smile. Your mother nods and leaves the room. Minutes later you head out to the kitchen with a very nervous boyfriend in tow. “Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N,” Michael says sheepishly as the two of you seat yourselves at the table. “Hello, Michael,” your mother responds as she sets down your lunches, “Did you sleep well?” “I, uh, yes ma’am,” he mumbles, blushing and looking to you for help. You take a long gulp of water to hide your laughter and he returns his attention to your mother. “That’s good,” she says casually. “Yeah,” he affirms, his voice higher than usual, giving away his nerves. “You don’t have to be uncomfortable,” your mother laughs, “Just, well, be safe. Don’t get her pregnant or anything.” You practically spit out your water as Michael’s face turns even redder than before. “I wouldn’t, uh, no, we - we -” Michael looks to you for help and you can’t help but laugh. “Don’t worry about it, Mom,” you say, rolling your eyes.

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