#13 Paparazzi Scare Your Child

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#13 Paparazzi Scare Your Child

Ashton: While Ashton held the two year old as close to him as he could manage, you trailed behind holding his hand as you guys raced through the swarming paparazzi trying to get pictures of the three of you. They were screaming and your daughter kept whimpering into her father’s neck. “Go away!” she mumbles through her tears and that did it for Ashton. “Will you guys get out of our damn way? You’re scaring my daughter!” The paps then scattered and let you guys through, but gave up being nice and started to bombard you with questions again. “Sorry.” you say to your daughter as you and Ashton get into a cab with her. She hugs her dad tighter. “They scary!” Ashton rubs her back. “Yes they are.”

Michael: “Daddy, make them leave!” your son says as Michael tries to walk into the studio with him. “I’m trying bud!” Michael then picks him up and rams through the paps just trying to get inside. The paps kept squishing their cameras in to try and get a picture of your son and soon enough your son was crying cause he was so scared and that pissed Michael off. “See what you pricks did? You scared my son! Get out of here before i call police, you’ve gotten more then enough shit to please your bosses, now leave!” He finally managed to get inside and put your son down, inspecting him. “They hurt you?” Your son shook his head and hugged Michael tightly. “Thank you daddy!” Michael smiled. “I’ll always be there to protect you, remember that!”

Calum: As a family you guys couldn’t even go out for a nice family dinner without paparazzi coming in and terrorizing your meal. They swarmed outside the restaurant and took pictures of you guys eating. Your teenage daughter then began to cry and ran off to where the cameras wouldn’t find her. Calum went to comfort her. “They scaring you again?” she nodded. “They’re just going to make stuff up about me and it hurts when i see it!” Calum nodded, knowing exactly what she was going through and posted a message to twitter, calling the paparazzi names that people never knew existed before.

Luke: Luke was trying to teach your daughter how to surf just like you. It was a nice family outing and your 5 year old daughter was getting the hang of it, and when you guys decided to take a break for lunch, the paparazzi crowded around you and Luke brought your daughter close to him, trying to maneuver around the paps. They just weren’t having it though and began to shout things at you and made you cry and that scared your daughter who glared at the paps. “You made my mommy cry, you guys are mean!” Luke smiled at her. “You may be scared of them, but keep going, you’re telling them off baby girl!”

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