#12 Your Daughter Has a Crush On One Of The Other Boys, part 2

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#12 Your Daughter Has a Crush On One Of The Other Boys, part 2

Ashton: You had warned Michael and when he came over you opened the door and giggled. “You don’t have to do this for her you know.” He shook you off. “It’s alright, i love to see that little girl smile!” You smile. “Yeah, it brightens up anyone’s day! Ashton, he’s here!” Ashton walked out with your daughter on his hip and when she saw Michael she squealed and jumped into his arms and he handed her the red rose he had in his hands. “You like that?” She nodded and kissed his cheek. “Thank you Uncle Mikey, you’re the best!”

Luke: Calum had taken your daughter to McDonalds while you and Luke just sat at home watching movies. You saw headlights in the door and Calum carrying a very asleep little girl in his arms, you took her from him. “Thanks, Calum! I bet you just made her entire life today!” Luke had joined you and gave Calum a hug. “Yeah thanks, she’ll bug us all day about it tomorrow!” Calum smirked. “That’s the idea, you guys want to take her to an amusement part tomorrow?”

Michael: Your daughter smiled proudly once you had her explain to you the heart on Luke’s wrist. “You know he’s your uncle right?” you ask and she grins. “Yup, and he’s the cutest uncle which makes him mine!” she said that and spun around and both you and Michael laughed at Luke. “You’ve got to help me!” he says but you and Michael shake your heads. “Nope, sorry, you’re on your own this time, Luke! You better hope your house gets finished soon or you’re moving in with us!”

Calum: “I’m a good drummer now!” she declares and you smile and take her to the bathroom for a bath, while Calum talks to Ashton. “She’s got a crush on you.” Calum explains and Ashton nods. “I know, she let me know a few times while i played the drums for her.” “It doesn’t bother you?” Ashton shook his head. “No, i think it’s quite cute actually. She’ll grow out of it sooner or later, so no worries.” Calum shook your head. “Whipped by a 5 year old!” Ashton laughed. “And i don’t mind one bit.”

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