Chapter XI

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I've decided that imma make a LOTR/Hobbit imagines book. I'm really into those. Also, wE rEaChEd 200+ ReAdS?!

You reached Edoras. The villagers stared at you as you rode to the Golden Hall. Children were hiding behind their mothers' skirts. You could see the fear in their eyes. Children and adults alike.
Whatever happened to this noble kingdom?

"Edoras and the Golden Halls of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden, King of Rohan... whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Theoden is now very strong." Gandalf said.
"You'll find more cheer in a graveyard."
Gimli muttered. You had to agree.

You dismounted your horses and walked up the steps to the Hall.
"I cannot allow you before Theoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Grima Wormtongue." Said a guard. The others started handing over their weapons. You just stood there.
"M'lady. Your weapons." A guard said. You raised your eyebrows. You sighed and handed over your bow and arrows, your sword and one of your daggers. You hid the other dagger in your boot. Legolas saw you slip it in your boot, and he raised an eyebrow. You shrugged and he smiled.

"Your staff." The guard said.
"Hmmm. You would not part an old man from his walking stick." Gandalf lied. The guard sighed and led you through two large doors.

You walked into a hall. The Golden Hall. You saw a hunched man whispering in the ear of the King.
"The courtesy of your hall has somewhat lessened of late, Theoden King." Gandalf said.
"Why should I welcome you... Gandalf Stormcrow?" The King said weakly.
"A just question my liege." The man -who you guessed was Grima Wormtail - stood up and started walking to Gandalf.
"Late is the hour... in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news makes an ill guest." Grima continued.
"Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth! I have not passed through fire and death... to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!" Gandalf snapped. He pointed his staff at Grima's face.
"His staff! I told you to take his staff!" Grima shouted.

A group of men move to attack Gandalf. A few engaged with Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn. One of them walked right passed you. You punched him in the back of his head, knocking him out.
"Teach you to underestimate me!" You spat. A man ran towards you. He tried to punch you, but you caught his arm and broke it. He screamed in pain, and you took advantage of that moment to kick him backwards. You turned and saw Grima trying to escape. You ran over to him, and grabbed him from behind you pulled your dagger out of your boot, and put it up to his neck. You dug it in his skin, not deep of course, and you saw him wince in pain.
"I would stay still if I were you." You growled.

"Harken to me! I release you... from this spell." Gandalf said holding up his hand. The King laughed weakly.
"You have no power here... Gandalf the Grey." Gandalf threw off his grey cloak. He was angry. Very angry. Theoden was thrown back by a bright light.
"I will draw you, Saruman, as a poison is drawn from a wound!" Gandalf boomed. He thrust his staff making Theoden fall back in his chair.

I walked into the Golden Hall. I thought I had heard voices, and my curiosity got the better of me.

When I walked in, there was one thing that caught my eye. A girl, around my age, she was holding a dagger to the snakes throat, and she was muttering threats. I envied her. I could tell by the way she was poised that she had had many years of training.

A flash of light. I saw my uncle get thrown into his throne. I ran forward to  help him, but a strong arm stopped me. I looked up only to see the most handsome man I had ever seen. I immediately fell for him.
"Wait." He said calmly.

You didn't see the young maiden run in. You were to busy threatening Grima. What you did see was the way she had looked at Aragorn when he had stopped her. Poor thing. She'll have a nasty surprise when she finds out he is already courting.

"If I go Theoden dies." The kings mouth opened, but it was not his voice that came out. Saruman!
"You did not kill me... you will not kill him." Gandalf retorted.
"Rohan is mine!" Saruman's voice said again.
"Be gone!" Gandalf boomed. Suddenly Theoden jumped up from his throne to attack Gandalf, but Gandalf was faster, and he thrust his staff causing Theoden to fall back.

He started falling forward, and Aragorn let go of the maiden allowing her to run to him. You could see the spell wearing off. He no longer looked like the weak king you had seen. He now looked like a veritable Horsemaster.
"I know you face..." he said to the maiden. "Eowyn..." Eowyn, so that is her name."

"Gandalf?" He said looking up at the wizard.
"Breath the free air again, my friend." Gandalf smiled.
"Dark have been my dreams of late." Theoden said sadly.
"Your fingers would remember their old strength better... if they grasped your sword." Gandalf suggested. Theoden took the sword. He looked at you for a moment, before turning to Grima. He wriggled out of your grasp, running from Theoden.

Grima ran out of the hall, Theoden and the others close behind. You were about to follow when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"You hurt him?" Legolas said examining your dagger, it was full of Grima's blood.
"Not nearly enough." You muttered angrily. He raised is eyebrows in surprise.
"Well, shall we go?" He said holding out his arm. You laughed and linked your arm in his. You walked arm in arm outside.

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