Mystery for the dead

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        " what about it? How do you know all this?" I shook my head, tracing patterns on the dust with my feet.
       Zack remained silent for a while and after a moment's hesitation, replied," This pendant belonged to...Sarah. Sarah Wilson. We used to study together, at Crescent high and I don't know...but  she seemed kind of different. I had seen this pendant round her neck. Perhaps, I wouldn't have known about it if it didn't display its powers in the most unexpected way that day."
       I arched my brows, continuing to move my feet on the ground. It was getting a bit too nerve racking. First, Zack somehow knows about my pendant and its magic. Second, he tells me that it belonged to some girl named Sarah Wilson. Third, if that's the case, then Sarah or maybe some member of the Wilson family should have been residing in our house but as far as I can remember, we had bought the house from a Ms.Clancy Woodford. Yes. A Miss whose title is Woodford.

     You get it.    

       " Continue please..." I prompted him.
      I had to get to the bottom of all this.

" Oh...Yes... it had been a normal day, usual stuff...and I was returning home from school. That day, I had decided to take the shortcut by the graveyard, and while walking past it, I don't know why but I felt that something was wrong. As I looked up, I could see dark clouds appearing out of now where atop the cathedral. Dark clouds on winter days weren't surprising, but the surprising part was that the clouds were a bit too dark there. Once, I believe, I even saw a blue flicker across them--"

" And let me guess," I said, a bit too excitedly, my breathing already pacing faster," You went inside, straight to the cathedral, where the bell was and saw Sarah stuck in a whirl of blue flickering sparks and violent gusts of wind...right?"

      This time, he stood up, wide eyed. I thought he was about to come to me and fall down on my knees, begging me to teach him the art of future-telling but all he said was-

       "Y-yes...and then, I had consoled her, calmed her down, and when everything receded back to its normal condition, I had helped her and taken her to my house. Well...she didn't speak then, but after a few days...Uhh...that's when our friendship began and soon, I found myself falling for her."

I let out a sigh. He was so good.

       "Oh..I'm sorry..." I gently shook my head," She must've got the shock of her life when you died."

"She's dead already."

     Okay. Okay. Okay. You can take it in Casey. It's just another death.
Yeah right.

I breathed out. Once. Twice.
   It's funny how you think that you know everything about the place you live in when you're alive, when in reality, you don't even have the slightest hint of what might've happened outside your well.

    I, for one, honestly didn't know about so many deaths happening in my town. Even if there were news about it, I didn't pay much heed to them.

   I should've opened my eyes.
"Where is she now?"

   "I did look for her in the dead society. You know...Mrs. Harrison isn't that bad. She's just a bit stern. When I asked her about Sarah, after much hesitation, she finally did tell me the truth. Sarah had been killed by the hunters. She's no more... not even as a ghost."

       He looked down. The sorrow seemed to echo through the woods. Even the wind seemed to sigh in melancholy.

      "Well..and here I  am stuck with a ghost hunter till my
11-whatever number comes.. But I still dont get it...What was her pendant doing in my attic? In a place where she never lived?"

    He shrugged and looked at my shoes. His eyes widened behind his glasses as he stepped forward and pushed me to a side.
"Hey..what do you think--"

      " You are a psychic."

"Wait--what?" To be honest, I had heard him calling me a psycho.  
      After all the help and talk, he couldn't see anything more than a psychopath in me?
Looking down, I slightly pushed him to a side and came forward to see what he was staring at so intently.

      I gasped.

In the dirt trodden earth, right there, I had apparently drawn a strange pattern with my feet, without even knowing it. It was a circle circumscribed around an inverted triangle. Moreover, I hadn't drawn only one such pattern. I had sketched on the dust many such similar triangles and as I peeked closer, these symbols were further arranged in a bigger version of themselves.


We stared at the sign for five whole minutes before I broke the ice,
" Well...what's this supposed to mean?"

He stared at me, the shock evident on his face as he breathed out,
" You are the tenth psychic."

Kill Shadow (Accidentally Dead #1) [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now