Part 2

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I walked along the street. I knew exactly where I was going. I came here right after school. Otherwise, I'd probably be locked in the basement until morning. And father would come in. So, I had to avoid that under any circumstances or I wouldn't be able to do it. I figured the easiest way to die was to jump off the bridge. The river flowed fast there and, currently, it was low. Maybe I'd bash my head on the rocks and die instantly. I may be accustomed to pain, but I didn't want to feel more.

It was nearing 4 pm. There would still be people around, but most wouldn't notice me. And if they did, most wouldn't try to save me. Even if they did, they'd fail. This was what I wanted. This was what I needed. I placed my bag down on the ground and glanced over the railing. It really was low this time of year. I could see some jagged rocks poking up between the waves. The light breeze blew my brown hair away from my face. My eyes, that were the same color, stared at death before me. This was it.

Carefully, I climbed on top of the railing. I held on to the support to my right. The breeze ruffled my school uniform. Since I didn't go home, I hadn't changed out of it. I dragged my eyes down to my backpack. It didn't matter, I wouldn't need it anymore. It would stay there until the police got here to collect my body. After all, it wasn't like there was anything important in it. Just like me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the wind in my hair and the sun on my skin one last time. I breathed deep, smelling the spring flowers.

Here I stood, a 16 year old boy, about to kill myself. Some would say that I didn't know pain yet, that I was too young. Others would say I'd had too much pain for being so young. I believed both were true. Things would only get worse as I got older. So, I might as well end it now before it got to that point. People would call me a coward, say that I was weak. They wouldn't be wrong. But, I was pushed into this. By years and years of abuse and neglect. I couldn't even see any happiness in my future. Not even one little shred.

Tears slipped down my cheeks as I thought about my life. The people who were supposed to raise me and take care of me, decided it was more fun to torture me. My parents were supposed to love me no matter what. They were supposed to take care of me. But they didn't. I'd only known pain and hatred from them. They created me and yet they hated my very existence. What did I ever do to them? I'd never been accepted by anyone. They could never find anything worth their time and energy. So, they hurt me instead.

A small smile crossed my lips. I would finally be free. All I had to do was fly. I could just fly away and nothing would ever hurt me again. I probably looked like a mess to those who cared enough to notice. With tears streaking my face and a weird, peaceful smile on my face. Not to mention the fact that I was standing literally on the edge. I took a deep breath. It was time now. I just needed to step off and all would be fine. Just lean over a little and I wouldn't have to hurt anymore. Nothing mattered but this moment.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through my ears. "Takahiro!" I turned my head to see Haruki running towards me. His bag laid forgotten on the pavement. He ran towards me, hand outstretched. His blond hair flew back with the wind and I could see worry in his bright, blue eyes. Why? Why did he care about me?

"Don't do it!" He was close now, so close. It would be so easy to just give in and take his hand. I faltered, unsure. This was what I wanted, but he was my light. Do I go towards the darkness, the blessed end, or into the light and warmth? I was torn. Why did he see me? There were so many other people, ones more worthy of his concern than me. So, why did he look at me? Why was he always so kind to me? I wanted to ask him those questions but, as always in his presence, my tongue locked up. I couldn't seem to get the words out. There were so many things I wanted to say to him, to ask him.

I gave him a sad look as I turned to face him. He gave me so much and never even knew it. He'd saved me countless times. However, this was the one time he couldn't save me. The one time his smile didn't help. I was too far gone. I was at the end of the line. My life was over. I'd taken the pen and scratched out the rest of my story. It was time for me to say goodbye. I stretched my right arm out to him, but not to take his hand. I tried to convey everything I wanted to say to him when I reached out. To say all the things my mouth couldn't.

His eyes became panicked as I said two words. "I'm sorry." I wanted to say so much more, but nothing else came out. Then, I leaned backwards and felt myself falling. I saw him, as if in slow motion, lunge forward. He had tears in his eyes and his mouth was open in shock. I heard him scream my name one last time. I studied his face for the last time, but I wished vaguely that he'd smile instead. I wanted to commit that brightness to memory, in case there was only darkness in death. I closed my eyes again, waiting for the impact to take me. I felt a slight pain in my head before everything faded out.

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