Part 22

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A/N: So, I've finally regained my inspiration for this story! Yay! And college is almost over for this year. Just one more final left. Wish me luck! And my birthday is 11 days away. I'll be 19. Wow, I feel old (even though I'm not, adulthood sucks to a degree). But I like college. Anyway, this story is coming to an end, though I might make a second one. Enjoy, my lovely cookies!

With that revelation of my true feelings for Haruki in my heart, I opened my eyes the next morning. It had been a long time since I last saw my parents. It was really nice. I felt no guilt whatsoever. No one could blame me, after the way they treated me. A parent has no right to act that way to their child. Out of all people, parents should care the most about the kid. But, of course, my parents were extremely lacking in that respect. That was where Haruki and I were similar. Neither of our parents were able to give us the emotional support a child so desperately needs. It made us self-conscious, lonely, and basically friendless. No child should be treated the way we were.

I simply stared at Haruki as he slept. A person's sleeping expression was always the most relaxed version of them. Haruki was no different. Although he rarely showed anything but joy when awake, he still looked more peaceful then ever when asleep. I could look at him forever and never tire of it. I never knew love could be so all-consuming and warm. It seemed as if I'd never felt warmth until him. As if I'd lived in the cold and the dark. Which I technically did in the basement. I didn't feel so empty inside with Haruki. I felt so happy. Even had I been able to open my mouth, I wouldn't have been able to describe this feeling. It was everything. As if my entire life started and ended with a certain beautiful blond.

Haruki shifted and opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was me staring down at him. He smiled and stretched, letting out a yawn. Even that was cute to see. Everything about him drew me in. I saw all of his flaws, but they only added to his charm. I loved him for exactly who he was. No matter what happened, even if we broke up -which wasn't likely- I'd still love him just the same.

"Haruki, I want you to promise me something."

"Hm? What is it?" He asked groggily.

"No matter what happens, always be beside me. Even if you hate me or we break up or whatever."

His eyes quickly cleared. "Why would you very think I'd leave?"

"Please. Promise me."

"I promise. I'll always be at your side. No matter what."

I smiled, relieved. I didn't know what was wrong with me lately. "And I promise, I'll always be by yours, no matter what."

Haruki's stomach rumbled. "I'm starving. How long have you been up?"

"Not long. Let's go eat." I grabbed his hand and practically dragged him to the kitchen. Together, we quickly made breakfast, laughing a lot. I'd never had so much fun before. When we started laughing, we couldn't stop. He gave me a reason to laugh. I felt so free. But nothing like that ever lasted. No, this world was too cruel for things like that. We should've seen it coming. But we were too engrossed in our own little bubble that we didn't care. We didn't notice. All the signs were there, at least I saw them when I looked back on it. We shouldn't have been so oblivious. But didn't we have that right? Maybe not.

The door opened as we finished our meal. Haruki's mom and dad entered, looking like zombies. I'd never seen someone with such dark circles under their eyes. Or with such pasty skin. I had to blink to make sure I wasn't seeing ghosts. Were they even alive anymore? Even the smell coming from them seemed like the stench of rotting corpses. Then again, his mom worked at the hospital. I didn't even want to know what was splattered on her clothes. And I was sure Haruki's dad had worn that suit for several days straight.

"Hey guys," Haruki greeted. "Hungry?" Naturally, they didn't respond and began shuffling towards the bedrooms. I didn't know why he kept trying. For some reason, their indifference made me unusually angry. I stood up, the chair scraping loudly on the floor.

"Excuse me?!" I said. They stopped and turned to me, surprised. "Your SON asked you a question! You should answer!" They stated blankly at me, as if I was only an annoying dog.

"Takahiro..." Haruki whispered.

I ignored him. "Your son is the most wonderful, kind, brilliant person I know. No matter what, he's always kind to others. He gets good grades and has no problems with other people. And yet, you don't even acknowledge his existence! It's disgraceful! Your only child is so desperately trying to get your attention! Wake up and see that your miracle is right in front of you!

"Everyone he comes into contact with has a better day! And yet you don't seem to care! He's your child, for God's sake! Open your eyes! Do you even care that he's so lonely and hurt that you won't even look at him?! He feels unworthy of your attention when he deserves the world and more! If you don't see him, you'll lose him forever and wish you would've paid more attention!" They blinked, as if waking up from a dream. They slowly turned to Haruki and, shockingly, they smiled.

Haruki's mom approached me. "What's your name?"

"Takahiro." I didn't feel guilty for yelling at them. They needed a wake up call to stop acting like zombies and give Haruki the love and support he needed.

"You're right, Takahiro. We're being selfish. Thank you." She turned to Haruki. "Please forgive us, Haru. We're so sorry."

"We...didn't realize what we were doing to you," his dad added.

Haruki grinned, full out. "It's okay. I just...wished you'd look at me. I know that you both work really hard and are always tired..."

"That's no excuse or why we did. We're awful parents."

"No, you're not. I'm glad I have you two." The three hugged and it warmed my heart. Haruki was so happy. He smiled at me over their shoulders.

His dad turned to me. "So, who exactly are you? Besides our personal slap?"

"Oh, um...I'm..."

"He's my boyfriend," Haruki interjected, grabbing my hand.

"Awwww!" His mom squealed. "Look how cute!" She enveloped both of us in a hug. It felt weird, to be embraced by someone other than Haruki. Was this how having a true mother felt? I suddenly felt like a child again, striving for a mother's approval.

"Well, at least he's not a jerk," Haruki's dad commented.

"Honey!" His wife scolded. "I think it's wonderful. Especially since Takahiro knows you so well. It's beautiful."

"Thanks, mom," Haruki said.

"I've got nothing against it. I'm glad someone managed to snap us out of it," his dad added. "Thanks again. Now, did someone mention food?" We all laughed. The absolute joy in Haruki's face made my heart soar. The three still had a rocky road ahead of them, but they'd get through it in time. But they'd finally actually be getting through it together. I was glad I could help Haruki like this. He deserved everything. I'd give him the world if I could. But he only took my heart.

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