Part 17

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"I finally found you," Haruki whispered. "I didn't think I actually would." He laughed and I felt it reverberate throughout my body. "I thought I was going to die before I got to you."

"What?" I couldn't fathom why he'd been so worried about me. Why was it always me? Why did he care so much about me?

"I'd expected to die, but not before I saved you. I'd have died as long as I could get you out. After I heard everything..." He trailed off. "I knew what I had to do. I wasn't afraid to die."

"Why would you die for me? Why would you even think that?"

"I..." Suddenly, he spun me around. His lips connected with mine and my eyes widened. He pulled away, blushing. "You don't know how much you mean to me. You don't know how many times I wanted to tell you how I felt. My parents...they don't really notice me anymore. I can't even remember the last time we talked. They're always working now. Mom works at the hospital and dad's the CEO of a nationwide company. They're hardly ever home. But, even when they are, they don't even look at me. I'll say something and it's like they don't hear me. I was invisible. Then, I don't have any friends. Nobody seemed to see me. They'd just walk right by me, sometimes they'd hit me. It's like no one could see me.

"The teachers never call on me. I get average grades, so they never need to praise or scold me. I never cause trouble in class, but I'm not a suck up either. It was so lonely. No one ever talked to me. I feel like I'm just a stain on a wall. Everyone sees it, but no one ever talks about it. It hurt so bad, I can't even tell you." His blue eyes teared up. "But there was you. No matter what, you always said hi to me. You always smiled at me, even if it was forced. You were always kind to me. I watched you at school. You understood what I felt. Your face had the same look mine did when I was alone. You lit up my lonely world. Yet we hardly knew each other. Just by seeing your face, my day was a whole lot better." My eyes felt like they'd fall out at any moment. I never knew, all this time, that he felt this way.

"But I couldn't tell you that. I was such a coward. I didn't want you to hate me or see me differently. I wanted to keep things the same. If you'd started avoiding me because of what I told you, I think that would've been it. I don't think I could've taken that. I always wondered: why me? Why did he notice me? When everyone else just walked right by me? Why did you care about me? But the only thing that mattered to me was that you did see me. I was afraid of telling you the truth, because I didn't want to lose you. I always made up an excuse to not say anything. But I waited too long. When they took you...I thought I would die. The only thing that kept me going was the fact I was searching for you. I couldn't let myself break down, so I devoted myself to finding you."

I grabbed his chin and brought our lips together. This time, it was his turn to be surprised. I leaned away and smiled at him. "I felt the same way. You mean everything to me. It seemed that everyone hated me. The boys at school would beat me up. The girls would prank me just to get a laugh out of it. The teachers always caught me when I tried to fight back. My mom would lock me away so she didn't have to see me. My father would beat me and rape me. It seemed everyone enjoyed hurting me. I felt like I had nothing to live for. I just wanted to die and end all the suffering. But you were there. You were the only one who said anything kind to me. You always smiled at me, seemingly for no reason at all.

"I'd felt like I was drowning, but you were there to save me. Any time I stumbled, you were there to hold me up. Any time I fell and was too weak to get back up, you were there with your hand held out. You'd lend me your strength. Without you, I would've given up a long time ago. I asked myself: Why does he care about me? I was worthless. What did he see in me that made him smile so kindly at me? Is he just messing with me? Is he trying to get me to relax so he can break me again? But you never did that. You never hurt me. You just gave me that same smile. There was so much I wanted to tell you, but I was a coward. I'd always given up when things were tough. That's just how I am. But, when it came to you, I couldn't give up. You made me stronger. You gave me hope, something I'd never had before. I can never repay you for that."

Haruki gave me a tearful smile. At the same time, we moved forward and kissed. I moved my left hand, that was still holding his chin, up to his cheek. I brought my right up and cupped the other side of his face. His hands gripped the sides of my shirt. I shifted and placed one of my legs between his and deepened the kiss. I bit his lip and he opened his mouth. My tongue explored and he moaned. I ran my fingers through his hair, something I'd always wanted to do. I'd wanted to see if it was as soft as it looked. I wasn't disappointed. It was soft and silky. We pulled back, a string of saliva still connecting us. He smiled at me and I returned it.

"Now, let's get out of here, shall we?" He nodded and I returned to the door. I peeked out the door, but quickly ducked back inside. "They're standing there, guarding. I'm guessing that's the exit. You stay here and I'll come back to get you."

He grabbed my arm. "No! Don't go out there alone!"

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Don't worry. I can't die, remember? You can." Reluctantly, he let me go. "We'll need some weapons. See if you can find any." He looked around the lab area as I kept watch at the door. 

He came back not too long later. "I found some scalpels and whatever these are." He held up some strange looking blunt objects.

"Good. Grab me some beakers, too. Those might be useful." He returned quickly. I studied a rack with lab coats on it. A plan formed in my mind. I threw on one of the coats, stuffing the weapons in the large pockets. I held a beaker in my hand and filled it with water. "Let's do this." I burst out the door.

A/N: I bet you pervy cookies were expecting smut! XD I thought about it, and it got close, but don't forget they were in hostile territory. I got a nosebleed just writing that though! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to comment! I like to hear your theories! And I'd like to give a shout-out to @MadGeniusTrash for all the comments! And for the awesome theories I wished I would've used! Thanks! See you all in the next chapter!

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