Part 21

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Haruki, though he was used to cooking, was glad for my help. He was making a vegetable stir-fry which, from the sound of it, would be delicious. While he worked on the stove, I got the job of cutting up the vegetables. I'd never done this before, considering there usually hadn't been food in my house to cook with, but I was careful. I didn't want to mess anything up. I was leaning close to the cutting board, making sure I cut the pieces evenly and that they were the same size. I wanted everything to be perfect, for Haruki. Even though it didn't matter all that much, it mattered to me. Haruki was humming softly, some kind of lullaby. It was strangely calming, though it shouldn't have been. Most kids grew up with their mother's singing to comfort them. Then again, I wasn't most kids. I didn't fall under the usual standards. Neither did Haruki though, which was why his singing surprised me.

However, while I was distracted by Haruki, the knife slipped. The sharp blade sliced across my finger, tearing skin and shedding blood. I hissed in a breath sharply. Quickly, I moved my finger away from the food, trying to quench the blood. I stared in shock as it continued to run down my hand. By now, it should've healed completely. By now, my ability should have stopped the bleeding. Haruki hadn't noticed anything yet, he was busy trying to keep dinner from burning. I couldn't even move. I thought back to those scientists in that van. Did they...could they have...? Haruki turned to ask for for the vegetables when he noticed the blood dripping onto the floor. Even I hadn't paid attention to it. But I felt bad for it.

"Hiro, are you okay?" He rushed over to me, inspecting the cut. It took him a second to realize what I did. Then, his horrified eyes met mine. "But...shouldn't it...?" I nodded, swallowing thickly. I didn't trust myself to speak. I wasn't even sure I had vocal cords anymore. Haruki pulled me over to the sink, washing my finger off. Then, he pulled out a bandaid and wrapped it around my wound. He was calmer than I was. Then again, he didn't live through all that pain and death that I did.

"Maybe you're just tired. Besides, you didn't heal before, did you, when it was mild pain?" He had a point, but I'd been able to heal without dying for a while. Ever since that lab. Maybe he was right. I should just relax and not worry about it.

"Yeah. I'll clean up while you finish, all right?" I asked. He bobbed his head and turned away. I pushed the thought of those scientists from my mind as I washed the blood from the floor and counter. Haruki and I finished the food and ate happily. It was pretty good, if I did say so myself. It was my first time properly cooking a meal, but I had Haruki's help if I'd messed up. But, despite that, I felt accomplished and proud. Haruki kept praising me, saying sometimes even he couldn't cut the vegetables correctly. Which was probably an overexaggeration, but I appreciated it nonetheless. Then, I helped Haruki wash the dishes. However, it ended up turning into a car wash.

By the end of it, we were both soaked with bubbles sticking in our hair and our fingers wrinkled. Although we were sopping wet, there were smiles on our faces. I had to admit, that was a lot of fun. I enjoyed living with Haruki, even if he got sad sometimes when his parents passed by him without a word. But, that happened less often than it used to. He seemed to feel less lonely with me around, as if he only needed me and no one else. I was flattered by that, but I hoped they'd notice him someday. They were good people, I knew that much, but they had a wonderful son that they should shower with love. Haruki deserved the world and he was making me see that I did, too. No one deserved this kind of treatment, least of all by their own parents.

Finally, dry and exhausted, we collapsed on Haruki's bed. My finger still stung a bit, but I ignored it. It wasn't as if pain was new to me. But it wasn't because I was used to it. It was because I had Haruki by my side. How could I ever be anything but happy with him around? Just thinking of him made my heart race. As Haruki continued to laugh at the ceiling, it seemed he couldn't calm down yet, I stared at him. Even now, after all the time I'd spent around him, his beauty still shocked me. It wasn't just his face, though he was adorably attractive, but his personality. It was the way he used his face, which was always smiling. It was simply the way he was that drew me in so tight. Now, I knew the truth. I didn't just like Haruki, I loved him. I was in love with him.

Just when I had fallen completely, I wasn't sure. Maybe it happened gradually, or maybe it was quick. That didn't matter to me. I was in love with this amazing person. I wanted to spend the rest of my life gazing into his beautiful eyes. I wanted to be by his side forever. For once in my life, true happiness didn't seem so far out of reach. And my joy, well he sat right there in front of me. Suddenly, before I realized I wanted to, I was leaning towards him. Our lips connected and I felt his inhale of surprise. But he yielded to me, relaxing under me. His hand reached up, resting on my cheek. The kiss was slow and warm. It seemed to fill all the cold, empty parts of my heart. Then I understood, it wasn't the kiss that did, it was Haruki himself. So, this was what love felt like. It was absolutely wonderful.

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