Part 3

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I noticed a strange smell. I couldn't really describe it, considering I'd never smelled it before. But, it was pungent and nauseating. I opened my eyes, but I still couldn't see anything. Vaguely, I realized it was dark outside and the moon had only just started to rise. I heard the rushing of the river. So, I was still at the bridge. Finally, my eyes adjusted to the lighting and I looked around. I was half in the water and half on a large rock. I gingerly sat up. 

A stain on the rock under me described the horrible smell. I touched it and brought it closer to my face. It was blood, my blood. I touched the back of my head, feeling the stickiness there too. So, I did actually jump off. But, for some reason, I wasn't dead. In fact, I didn't feel any pain, although I was covered in blood. The sound of sirens drew my attention. It seemed as if someone had called an ambulance. However, it would take them a while to get down to me. I wonder how long I was out.

I remembered my watch and I glanced at the face. Unfortunately, the glass was broken and water had filled it up. It had stopped working somewhere around 4:30. I sighed, lowering my wrist. Well, so much for that idea. I debated whether or not I should wait for the paramedics to get to me. I wasn't in pain, somehow, but I figured it would be best to not move. Plus, they were already aware that I was down here. If I just up and left, that probably wouldn't be good. I exhaled heavily. I couldn't even kill myself correctly. I wondered why I didn't die. It was a good plan. Why am I still alive?

I looked back at the blood. There was a lot of it. And it came from my head. I knew that people said head wounds bled worse than any other, but that was still a lot. I'd hit my head pretty hard, so how was my brain not mush? I could feel the blood in my hair, but I couldn't feel any wound. Not even the slightest one. How was that even possible? I leaned back on my hands. I'd have to go back home. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want that. I listened to the sound of the water rushing over the rocks. I'd scanned the rocks and I knew that there was no way anyone could survive. So how did I? Maybe the doctors would be able to tell me.

Finally, I saw a person approaching me. He cautiously stepped on the rocks, searching for the best place to put his feet. When he spotted me, he froze and nearly toppled into the water. He yelled at the others to tell them he'd found me. He gave me a weird look as he made his way over. He knelt down next to me, glancing around at the rocks with squinted eyes. Finally, he brought his gaze back to me. I saw other people coming our way.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm alright, I think."

"Try not to move, ok?" I nodded. He shook his head. "How did you survive that fall?"

"I-I don't know," I replied honestly. "I was hoping you'd be able to tell me." He opened his mouth, but the other paramedics reached us then. They had a stretcher with them. How they carried that thing down here, I didn't know. But, with only suspicious looks, they placed me on the stretcher and took me back to solid ground. They loaded me into the ambulance as the onlookers gasped. I just closed my eyes, wishing I really was dead.

I barely paid attention as I was hauled to the hospital. It was a flurry of activity, but I just wanted to sleep eternally. I didn't want them fussing over me, because I didn't want to be saved. I'd thought I was a failure before, but this really took the cake. I couldn't even commit suicide correctly. I failed at failing. How pathetic. I placed a hand over my eyes, blocking out the bright hospital lights. I heard the doctor talking about me in the hallway. I was only half listening.

"How did he survive? A fall like that, would've easily killed him." I didn't know who he was talking to, but it didn't really matter. 

"I don't know. However this happened, he has someone looking after him. You say he tried to kill himself?"

"Yes. Witnesses told the paramedics he'd jumped off the bridge."

"If that's the case, you should restrain him. If he tried once and failed, he'll probably try again."

"Well, you can do that. I have other patients to attend to. If you'll excuse me, officer." His footsteps retreated. The door to my room opened and a man in a police uniform entered.

"My name is Officer Tadaoki. You're Mr. Ishida, correct?" I simply nodded. "I'm sorry to have to do this." He took out his handcuffs and locked one side around my left wrist. The other side he secured to the bed. I just stared at him. "Can you tell me why you tried to kill yourself?"

"Because I wanted to die," I said sassily.

He raised an eyebrow before clearing his throat. "I understand that. But, why do you want to die?"

"Because I'm worthless. Do I have to tell you my whole life story?" I knew I was being rude, but I didn't care. He was prying into my life and I didn't want anyone to know. They'd think I was being over-dramatic. Maybe I was. Besides, I was angry at myself for not being dead. I knew that sounded stupid, but it was how I felt. 

"I'm just trying to help you."

"You'd be a huge help if you'd pull out your gun and shoot me in the head. Otherwise, please leave. I don't want to talk to you." 

He cleared his throat again. "Alright. I'll leave you be for now. But I'll get to the bottom of this."

"What are you, my therapist?" I hissed as he walked to the door. "I don't want or need your help." He gently closed the door behind him and I cursed quietly. I was still stuck here, in a world that wanted me to suffer. I'd try again, despite being cuffed. I'd find a way, because I couldn't take this anymore. I'd just need to be careful or I'd be saved again by some doctor or nurse who thought they were helping me.

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