Part 20

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My eyes slowly cracked open. My head felt weird and disconnected. I sat up carefully, a groan escaping my lips. My neck was still on fire. I managed to gain my feet and leaned on the wall behind me. I glanced at the sky, realizing it was midday. How long had I been passed out? Haruki must be worried sick about me. I had to use the buildings to make my way back to Haruki's place. I was still too weak to stand on my own. I didn't want him to panic, but be probably already was.

I stumbled through the door and Haruki looked up. His eyes widened in relief, before narrowing in worry again. He rushed over to me. "Takahiro, what happened?" He helped me to the sofa.

"I don't really know. I was just walking when some van pulled over. Some men got out and grabbed me. I felt this pain on my neck before I escaped. Then I passed out. I didn't mean to worry you."

He turned my head, examining my neck, then gasped. "Your neck..."

"What? What is it?"

"That looks like a wound from a syringe."

I gritted my teeth. "Those scientists. They can't just leave me alone, can they?"

The panic in his eyes grew. "This can't mean anything good. Whatever they have planned, it won't turn out well for us."

"No, it won't. But we'll have to deal with whatever it is. I won't let them ruin my life again. I'm finally completely free." I smiled. "And I won't let them a cage me a second time."

Though my words were positive, determined ones, Haruki didn't seem to feel better. He cleaned my neck, although there wasn't really a reason to. Then he made me something to eat, which I gobbled down quickly. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelled the food. Although I had just woken up, I still felt tired and sluggish. So, after I took a shower, I laid down on Haruki's bed and fell asleep. In my dream, I was being chased. I couldn't get away no matter how fast I ran. I turned back, but I couldn't see my pursuers. I knew they were there, I could hear their footsteps following closely behind me. I saw Haruki appear before me and I called out to him. He couldn't hear me, but we were so close. I stretched out my hand, reaching for him. But my hand went right through him and he faded away. I screamed as something grabbed my ankle, dragging me away into the darkness alone.

I jerked awake to find Haruki shaking me. His eyes were worried. Had I been screaming in my sleep? Judging by the look on his face, I'd say so. He cocked his head. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Just a nightmare." I scrubbed my face, dragging my fingers through my hair. He rubbed my back soothingly, but didn't say anything more. I leaned my head on his shoulder, which seemed to surprise him. But he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me close.

I turned my head to look at him. "You won't leave me, right?" I asked. I didn't know what possessed me to say that.

"Of course not! How could you think that? I'm not going anywhere." He squeezed me tighter to him. I placed my arms around him and pulled him close. He rested his head atop mine. I didn't know how long we sat like that. I could've been hours or mere minutes. But it didn't matter. It was an eternity to me and I didn't want to let go. I never knew how comforting another's embrace could be until that moment. I never knew how happy a simple hug could make me. Is this what normal kids felt when they were hugged by their parents? Is this what I was supposed to have felt, if I had good parents? But, under the simple comfort of the embrace, there was something more. Something that made me doubt whether other kids felt this. It was a warm, happy emotion. Something I'd never felt before, so I couldn't exactly explain it.

Finally, we pulled apart, much to my dismay. I didn't want to leave the safety of his arms. But, we couldn't stay like that forever. Even if I wanted to. Haruki patted my head, as if I was a dog. However, rather than being insulted by it, it made me even happier. What was it about Haruki that made me feel all these positive emotions? Why was it always him that made me feel better? Maybe it had to do with that unknown emotion I'd just felt. It had been steadily growing in strength for a while now. I was never good at explaining things, least of all my feelings, but this one seemed even harder to categorize. As Haruki went to make dinner, I stared at his back as he left. What was this I felt? Should I ask him? Maybe he feels the same way. But, if he didn't, could I handle that? In the end, I decided to stay quiet. After all, I was still a coward. That hadn't changed. Although, that wasn't entirely true. I felt more courageous then ever before. Until it came to my feelings, anyway.

I'd lost track of how long I'd been staying at his house. My parents would probably be happy that I was gone, but also disappointed that they couldn't hurt me anymore. But I wouldn't go back to them. Now, thanks to Haruki, I didn't feel as if I deserved their punishment. I didn't feel worthless any longer. All because of one person, my whole outlook on life had changed. Because of him, I'd felt something in me shift. As if the puzzle piece I'd been missing my entire life had finally slipped into place. It was disorienting, but welcome. For once in years I felt something other than despair. I felt alive again, as if I wasn't born until Haruki. As if all those times I'd died had given me a new life. I smiled, really full out smiled, before joining Haruki in the kitchen to help him prepare the food.

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