Part 6

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My alarm went off, quite loudly I might add. Grudgingly, I got up and got ready for school. The house was quiet still. Good, they'd left for work already. I'd gotten lucky with my parents recently. It wouldn't last forever, though. Eventually, I'd be forced to face them. But, for now, I was just glad I'd managed to avoid them this long. Before walking out the front door, I stopped to take a deep breath. I could do this. Not really, but I had to tell myself something or I'd bolt.

I'd managed to avoid the bullies the whole day. I was glad, but I knew my luck wouldn't hold out indefinitely. After all, I was never a lucky person so this was a first for me. I was proven right at the end of the day. I was trying to make my escape when they found me. I was cornered. I tried to avoid eye contact with them, but they'd still hit me anyway. I backed up, waiting for the first hit.

"You're a waste of space. You shouldn't even exist." He slammed his fist into my stomach. I lost my breath and wheezed. The next hit to my face sent me flying back. I rammed the wall hard, losing my breath again. A rabbit punch to my kidney made me double over. My body was already throbbing. I just wished they'd hurry up and leave. I wasn't in the mood to deal with them right now. But, I couldn't run away or fight back. I was outnumbered and pinned in like an animal. 

"You don't deserve to share the same space as the rest of humanity. Actually, why don't you just die?"

I didn't know what possessed me to open my mouth. I really needed to keep it in check. "Trust me, I've tried."

They stopped for a minuted, processing what I said. Then, they began laughing. I winced, wishing I could've shut myself up. "You tried to commit suicide and failed? Ha! You can't even do that right!" I gritted my teeth, preventing myself from saying more. I wasn't going to dig the hole any deeper. He punched me in the place I'd previously been shot. Of course, I felt only the pain of his punch. There was no indication I'd been shot and lived. No indication that I'd cracked my head open on a rock.

One of them kicked the back of my knee. I was sent to the ground where they continued to savagely kick me. I heard a couple of ribs snap and my nose even broke. Not that this hadn't happened before. Whenever they beat me up, they never held back. Why would they? Finally, satisfied that I was thoroughly injured, they left me there. I simply laid there for a while, not wanting to move. I managed to struggle to my feet.

I began walking, each step being agony. After a couple of minutes of this, I stopped dead in my tracks with a sudden realization. When I died, my body would heal itself. I'd have no injuries or any pain. But when they beat me, I felt everything and I could see bruises already forming. I wondered what that meant. With a careless shrug, I proceeded stumbling along. I stopped at a light, waiting for the crossing sign to light up. I gazed blankly at the other side of the road. The sign had just changed to no crossing when I walked up, so it would be a while.

I looked to the right, watching traffic go by. I didn't know what I was looking for until I found it. A large bus was heading this way and it was going pretty fast. The sign was still far from changing. If I just walk forward, just take a few steps, it would hit me. At that speed, there wouldn't be much of me left. My lips turned up in a twisted smile. I wondered if that would kill me. I hoped it would.

A voice made me freeze. "Takahiro!" I'd know that high-pitched male voice anywhere. Why was he always here at these times? Every time death was near, so was he. "Hey, Takahiro! I need to talk to you!" He was kind to me and I didn't want to be rude to him, but I didn't want to deal with him right then. I tried not to glance at him, which failed miserably.

Without a thought or a word, I stepped forward. The bus was 3 feet away. I braced myself as Haruki screamed my name. The bus hit me and I felt brief pain. I felt the glass shatter and cut me in several places. I felt my body breaking apart as the bus continued to move forward. I felt the wheel run over my legs and my head smash in. However, the pain was quickly gone. And the shock kept me from feeling too much. This pain reminded me slightly of my bridge jump. The pain was great, but quick. That was good. I'd felt plenty of pain in my life and I didn't really want to feel more in my death.

I couldn't see anything, but I could hear muffled noises. People screaming in horror. Wheels squealing on the asphalt. Running footsteps. There was a ringing in my ears. Is that what was supposed to happen? Why am I still conscious? I could hear Haruki's voice, telling someone to call an ambulance. I wondered why. He knew that I couldn't die. After all, he'd been present every time I had and he saw that I was still here. Then again, in this situation, it would be weird if he didn't. Besides, it was probably a gut reaction. Finally, all the sound around me quieted down until all was silent.

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