Part 4

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That stupid officer, Tado-whatever, kept coming in and bothering me over the next several days. I wanted to leave earlier, but the doctors wanted to be absolutely sure nothing was wrong. I could've told them that there wasn't. I felt perfectly fine, as if I never jumped off a bridge. The only thing not fine was the fact that I was here. None of the doctors could figure out how I was still alive. They wanted to run more tests, but I refused. I just wanted out. 

Of course, I wasn't psyched to go back home. But I didn't care at the moment. I needed to get away from all the watchful eyes. Apparently, word of my suicide attempt had been spread and I was hardly ever left alone. There was always a nurse, doctor, or that officer to watch me. It made me uncomfortable. I wondered vaguely if, when I got home, the punishment would be bad. Would they be angry that I had left for so long? Or had they not even noticed? Maybe they were glad I'd left. I knew that I was.

Besides, I hadn't been allowed a real shower while at the hospital. They'd cleaned the blood off, but I still felt disgusting. Not that I had mysophobia, the fear of germs, or anything. But, after a certain point, a person just feels absolutely gross. At this point, I wouldn't care if the water was as cold as ice. I just needed to feel clean again. And I wanted to be alone. I wanted time to myself, since I needed to try again. They thought they were helping, but all I really wanted was for them to let me die.

Couldn't they see that? Couldn't they see that I had nothing to live for? Eventually, albeit reluctantly, the doctor allowed me to leave the hospital. Unfortunately, he only agreed as long as the officer checked up on me periodically. That wouldn't go over well with my parents. But, I wouldn't be here much longer anyway, so it wouldn't matter. He could try to save me, but there was no use in that when the person wanted to die. If someone wanted to die, shouldn't they be allowed to? After all, this was my life. I'd never had control over it before, never allowed to make my own decisions. But this was the decision I'd made and I'd stick by it.

I didn't want to immediately go home. I wasn't sure how they'd react and I wasn't really ready to face them just yet. It was getting dark out, but the walk helped a little bit. I turned around as the sky darkened further. It was at that time where it's really hard to see, but there was still a shred of light left. I was walking past an alleyway, when I heard something. I stopped, facing the sound. Apparently, someone was getting mugged. It wasn't any of my business, but I couldn't just walk away. Naturally, my stupid self just had to get in the middle of it and act like a hero. 

"Hey!" I called. The two men turned to me. One continued to hold to poor woman against the wall. She looked absolutely terrified. I couldn't really blame her. 

One raised a gun. "Stay outta this. It's got nothing to do with you." Well, he was right about that, at least. It wasn't my business. I tried to tell myself to walk away, but my feet wouldn't move. I was rooted to the spot. Well, I was going to die anyways. If I could help at least one person, then I'd know my life wasn't a complete waste.

"You know what, give us all your money!" the other shouted.

"No. I'm not giving you anything. Just walk away. You don't need to do this."

"Shut up!" the first said. "Hand it over." I probably should've just done what they said. Given them my money and maybe they would've been satisfied with that. But I had to open my mouth yet again. I still wasn't in a very good mood and taking my anger out on them probably wouldn't end well.

"Look," I stated angrily, stepping forward. The thug jerked back and his gun went off. I felt the bullet puncture my chest. Blood oozed from the wound and soaked my shirt. I gasped, pressing a hand to the bullet hole. My body was in shock. Well, I was going to die one way or another. At least I died trying to help someone. Not that I really did much.

"Jesus, you killed him!" the second yelled.

"Let's get outta here!" The thugs bolted and I collapsed to my knees. The bullet missed my heart by a hair and hit one of my lungs instead. I could feel myself slowing drowning in my own blood. What irony the world had. The pain was excruciating. Not like when I jumped from the bridge. That pain was quick and simply a dull feeling. This was agony, long and sharp. My body jerked repeatedly and I couldn't control it. 

"Takahiro!" The familiar voice of Haruki reached my ears. I wondered how he always managed to find me in these situations. How was it that he was always around as I was dying? Not for the first or last time I saw his face rushing towards me as my vision dimmed. I heard horrible sounds coming from my throat as I choked. With one last effort to try to breathe correctly, my body sagged and everything went black. Again.

A/N: I have a confession to make. I keep forgetting Takahiro's name! XD Oops. I don't now why I can't seem to remember it. I have to keep going back to the first chapter and finding it again. I can remember Haruki's just fine, though. I can't even remember the name of my main character! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, my lovely cookies! See you in the next one!

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