Part 24

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A/N: tomorrow is my birthday party, though I doubt anyone will come. So, I might not be able to update. Although, my birthday is actually on Friday. I'll try to keep updating, but I can't promise. I'm sure I'll post another chapter on my birthday, though. Considering my sister is a sweetheart and I'll most likely have nothing to do.

I opened my mouth, to pour my heart out to Haruki. Now seemed like the perfect time. My heart was racing in a mixture of panic and anticipation. I could finally tell him and the weight would lift off my shoulders. The nerves began to disappear as I thought about all the advantages of it being out in the open. No matter what his response would be, it would be better than keeping him in the dark. After all we've been through, neither of us deserves to be alone in the darkness again. I still wasn't sure I could handle it if he rejected me, but I had to know his feelings either way. I couldn't keep going on like this, shying away from such topics. It was no way to live and no way to have a good relationship. I had to be honest with him and myself.

That was when the bedroom door opened. Haruki's mom stood frozen for a minute at our position. We were still embracing each other. She gazed at my face, which must have looked serious. She cleared her throat awkwardly. "Ah, sorry. Haruki, I've got to work early in the morning. But I won't be taking another shift. So, I'll be home earlier than usual."

"That's great, mom!" Haruki smiled.

"Anyway, supper is ready. Don't forget to wash your hands." She slipped out, closing the door behind her. I didn't know why she bothered, considering we were fixing to join her. I guess my confession would have to wait another day. We washed up and entered the kitchen. Haruki's parents were deep in a conversation, laughing occasionally. It was nice to see them like this. I was sure Haruki felt the same. Sometimes, he still expected them to ignore him. There were days where they hardly saw each other, but things were better than they used to be. I was glad I was able to help him. I owed him everything, after all.

If it wasn't for Haruki, I wouldn't be here today, smiling. I wouldn't have known such joy without him. And I wouldn't have believed in true love. I'd thought that was just a feeble hope that people held onto to get them through each day. Now, I knew better. I had a lot of years ahead of me, ones I hoped to spend with him. If he'd have me, I'd spend every day proving to him how much he meant to me. I'd never forget to cherish him, but I knew what the world was really like. If I forgot to show my love to him, something bad would happen. I'd get punished for forgetting the best thing that had ever happened to me.

After we ate, Haruki and I retired to our room. Yet again, I already considered this place my home and his room to be mine as well. But this was the only place I felt I belonged. This was where I felt happy and safe. Things I'd never thought I'd ever feel. No matter what happened, my love for Haruki would still exist. Even if he hated me. Even if I never got to see him again. This love I felt for him was the real deal. I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. It seemed to be a bland, colorless future without my love. I gazed at him as he opened his laptop. I didn't know what he was doing, but that didn't matter. I could never tear my eyes from him. He was just so amazing. I couldn't believe he was mine.

He turned, noticing my eyes on him, and smiled. That little grin took my breath away. I couldn't help smiling back. He made me so happy, I could hardly stop smiling. My heart was constantly racing in his presence. Touching him gave me a sense of security I'd never felt before. We'd be graduating from high school next week. I was surprised, considering we'd missed a lot of it. But, with a ton of hard work, we'd managed to catch up to the others. But that didn't matter. As long as I was beside Haruki, nothing else mattered. Everything else was just little details.

We stayed up late, considering school was out for the seniors. We heard Haruki's parents leave, but stayed in his room since we were supposed to be asleep. We simply chatted and watched videos on how laptop. I had started to doze when a loud sound startled me awake. I glanced around, but Haru was nowhere in sight. I assumed he'd accidently knocked something over. But the banging sounds continued. I rushed into the kitchen to see a horrible sight. My father was holding a gun at Haruki, who was already bloody. However, he wasn't shot. It looked as if my father had beat him first.

"I'll teach you what happens when you take my child from me."

"I didn't take him," Haru sneered. "He came here of his own free will because it was better than living with you."

"Shut up!" My father's arm trembled, but with excitement rather than anger. He was aiming to kill my boyfriend.

"Enough!" Both heads turned in my direction. "Just leave. You don't want to do this."

"Like hell I don't," he hissed. "I'm not letting this delinquent interfere with the raising of my son."

"He's not interfering." I kept my hands raised as I took a single step forward. I was hoping to place myself between the gun and Haruki. "If you want, I'll leave right now and go back with you."

"Takahiro, don't!"

"Be quiet," I said calmly without turning. "I'll willingly go with you, if you let him go. He's innocent."

"Innocent?! I haven't seen you in months! And he stopped me from bringing you back to your home! I won't let him do it again!"

"Fine. He won't do that again and I'll return with you. But put the gun down or we don't have a deal." My father seemed to be weighing his options. As he thought, I continued slowly creeping forward. Just a little further. "It's a good choice. Take it or leave it."

My father glanced at me, then Haru. "No deal!" He pulled the trigger. With a scream, I pushed Haruki out of the way. I felt the bullet pierce my flesh and I knew it was over. A door slammed open as I hit the floor. I heard overlapping shouts, gunshots, and Haruki's sobbing voice next to my ear.


I felt his tears hitting my face. I hated hearing him cry. "Don't...cry...Haru. It makes me...sad too."

"Don't die! Please don't leave me!"

"Never..." I smiled through the pain. "I love I'll in your...heart."

His sobbing intensified. "I too...that's why you can't die. You can't leave me here alone!"

"You're not alone any...more. You have...your parents now..." I touched a bloody hand to his cheek, memorizing his face.

"Why did this have to happen?! Why couldn't those scientists leave you alone?!"

"Maybe...this was how it...was meant to go...maybe...I was only find you..."

"I don't believe that! I be with you forever..." His words became incomprehensible. Another voice joined us, but my consciousness was fading fast. I would never see Haruki again or hold him in my arms. I could never hear his voice again. It was all over for me. I'd finally got my original wish. I was finally able to die. But I'd stopped wanting that a long time ago. Fate really was a cruel being.

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