Part 18

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I strode forward confidently. The guards brought up their guns, but froze when they saw me. I made my face look irritated. I needed to play this off perfectly, or Haruki would die. Or we'd both be stuck here forever. Neither was an option I was even going to consider. So, I had to act the part of the working scientist. And I would do it well, because I had no other choice.

"What on earth is going on?!" I said. "I'm trying to finish something!"

"There's an intruder."

"So, why don't you find the intruder and let me work in peace?!"

They lowered their weapons. "Sorry, sir, but it seems this person is better than we assumed."

I huffed in aggravation. "Can't you at least shut off these damn alarms?! Everyone is already alerted!"

"Sir, you really should evacuate the building. The intruder has been setting off bombs with our own chemicals."

I scoffed. "Not in my lab! I have very important research to do and no damned intruder is going to stop me!" I stepped forward as if in anger. "Do you know what the Chief would do to me if I don't get this finished in time?! And I can't work in this is noise!"

"I'm really sorry. But we can't really-" Finally, I was close enough. I tossed the beaker in his face. It shattered, blinding him. I whipped my foot around, smashing it into another guard. I pulled another beaker out, bashing it into a third guard's head. He collapsed, unconscious. Two were down for the count. I then pulled a scalpel, pressing it to the fourth guard's neck. When he froze, his gun slightly raised, I chopped the back of his neck. That sent him out immediately. The first guard, with cuts all over his face, shot me. I felt the bullet hit, but there was no pain. It healed instantly. His eyes widened when I didn't even wince. I grabbed the barrel and slammed the gun into his face. He blacked out and I held onto the gun. I didn't want to use it, but better safe than sorry.

I returned to the lab. "Let's go," I told Haruki. He followed me out, glancing slightly at the guards. "Don't worry, they're not dead. Just unconscious." We needed to be careful. I wanted to be able to sneak out, if that was possible. I didn't want any more fights to happen. After all, I had Haruki with me. And he was vulnerable to death, unlike me. I wouldn't risk his life. He might be ready to die for me, but I wasn't ready to let him go. No, not that easily. So, I'd save him just like all the times he saved me. I couldn't even count the amount of times he had. It was about time I returned the favor.

"Hey, you ok?" he asked.

I'd been so lost in thought that I didn't notice how I must've looked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"You're not going to die today, Haruki." He glanced at me, confused. "You said you were ready to die for me. But I won't let you. You've saved me so many times. Now, let me save you. Because I'm not ready to let you go."

He smiled that beautiful smile of his. "And I'm not ready to let you go." Without thinking, I grabbed his hand. He blushed lightly, but the smile stayed on his face. I grinned in return and he looked surprised.

"What?" I wondered.

"I've seen you smile a lot, but it was never real. All I ever wanted was to see your real smile. And now I have." That made my cheeks heat up. I didn't realize he knew me so well. After all, we didn't really know much about each other. But, maybe that was just an excuse. We knew more than we thought we did. I wondered how he was able to see through me so easily. Then again, that didn't really matter. I was grateful that he knew the true me. No one else did.

"You're the only one who can make me feel like this. So, I'll smile only for you."

He looked away, embarrassed. "That...means a lot." I pecked his lips briefly before peeking around the corner.

"Well, let's get out of here. There's so many things I want to do with you. So many memories I want to make."

He nodded. "Yeah. That sounds like a plan." Still holding onto his hand, we ran out the doors. There weren't any more guards around the exit. Apparently, they didn't think we'd get that far. They'd underestimated us. Once we were outside, we crept past the guards at the gate and got out. We were free, but we kept running. It had been a long time since I'd seen the outside world.

Haruki stopped, falling to his knees. "I...can' stop..." he panted.

I dropped down beside him. "We" He leaned his head on my shoulder. I placed my head atop his. We sat like that for a while, just catching our breath. It was comfortable. I never thought I'd enjoy having someone so close to me like that. Then again, it was Haruki. I'd do anything, as long as he was with me. I closed my eyes, reveling in the feeling of being with him again. I didn't realize just how much I missed him until then.

"I missed you," I whispered. 

"Me, too," he answered. I wrapped my arms around him. "What did they do to you?"

"Let's not talk about that. It's in the past. All that matters is right now. I learned that from you. The past is in the past. If you don't look at the present, you'll miss the important things."

He chuckled. "I never said any of that. I'm not that wise."

"You didn't say it. It's what I learned from being next to you."

He beamed at me. "Then I'll never leave your side."

I smiled back. "Good. And I'll never leave yours." We kissed, the moonlight making a romantic setting for us. It was perfect. But, just like that moon, it wouldn't last forever. Nothing ever did.

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