Part 10

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(Haruki's POV)

I woke up slowly. Cracking open my eyes, I realized I'd fallen asleep on my desk. I sat up, groaning. I had a major crick in my neck now and the rest of my body was stiff. Well, that was what I got for falling asleep like that. Then again, Takahiro took precedence over my comfort. I stretched gingerly with a large yawn. I got up off the rolling chair and headed for my door. The house was silent, as per usual. However, as I made my way into the kitchen, I saw my mom sitting at the table. It was the weekend, so I was off, and she usually had the night shift. Although, she'd almost always work during the day, too.

"Good morning, mom," I greeted. She was looking at her phone and didn't even glance up at me. She gave no response and I sighed. What did I expect? She never paid any attention to me. My parents weren't cruel, they just didn't notice me anymore. It was like I didn't exist. It really hurt. Then again, compared to what Takahiro went through, this was nothing. At least my parents didn't abuse me. But, there are so many ways to torture a kid. I silently got myself a bowl of cereal. I ate fast and washed my dishes. Not once did mom tear her eyes from her phone. She didn't say a word.

Whether or not I expected this reaction, it was still a stab to the heart. I was ignored by everyone. Even the teachers at school hardly ever noticed me. I got average grades and I never acted up in class or did anything too good. I always tried my hardest, but no one ever noticed me. I was invisible and so lonely. Only Hiro talked to me. Only he took the time to appreciate my presence. It meant so much to me, I didn't even know the extent. I returned to my room and stared dully at my computer. I needed to get out of the house, clear my head. I threw on a light jacket and went to the front door.

"I'm going for a walk, mom. I'll be back soon." Of course, I didn't get an answer. I stepped outside, inhaling the fresh air. I already felt a little better as the warm spring breeze flitted through my blond hair. My mom had platinum blond hair and my father had dirty blond, so it was no wonder my hair was a golden color. I took a minute to just enjoy the feeling of the sun on my skin and the wind in my hair. Suddenly, mom burst from the house, wearing her uniform, and tore off to her car. She hopped in and drove off without even a goodbye or a glance at me.

I ducked my head down, willing myself not to cry. I took a deep breath and started walking. I didn't care where I was going. I just wanted to get away for a while. Besides, now that mom was gone, I didn't want to be alone in the house. I hated being alone. Even though I had no friends out here, at least it wasn't quiet. I clenched my hands in my jacket pockets. Finally in control of my emotions, I lifted my head. I gazed around me, admiring the beautiful flowers that had sprung up. Their sweet fragrances tickled my nose. I stared up at the sky wondering, wherever he was, if Takahiro was looking up as well. 

"Where are you?" I asked nobody. I stood still on the sidewalk. I didn't notice the people walking around me. I didn't hear them or see them. It was like they weren't there. I could still feel the breeze ruffling my clothes. I willed the sky to give me answers. I needed to know where he was. I felt like time was running out and I prayed that my feelings were wrong. I was lost, stumped. Who were those men? Where did they take my precious friend? Why couldn't I seem to find him?

Forcefully, a shoulder slammed into mine. I grunted at the impact, shaken from my thoughts. The sound of papers scattering across the ground followed. I brought my gaze down and found a man in a lab coat bending down. Hurriedly, he scooped the papers up.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."

"No, it's my fault," I replied. "I shouldn't have been just standing here." Now that I got a closer look, he seemed only slightly older than I was. I'd guess around 20 or so. The lab coat led me to assume he worked in some sort of science field. "Where do you work?"

"Hm? Oh," he seemed like a nervous person. Always stuttering and he wouldn't meet my eyes. "I the nearby laboratory. J-just as an intern, though. I'm still in college."

"What do you work on there?" Science wasn't the most interesting field to me, but I was a curious person. I wanted to know why people chose the fields they did. I guess you could say I was nosy.

"Um...genetics. I'm just an assistant for the chief. I, you know, run errands for him and do the paperwork. H-hopefully, I'll be able to do some actual work soon."

"That's cool," I answered.

He glanced at his watch. "Oh no! I'm going to be late! Oh, he's gonna tear me a new one," he muttered.

"Sorry, I won't keep you." He rushed off, looking frazzled. I shook my head. I'd never met his superior, but apparently he wasn't a forgiving person. The kid looked absolutely terrified about being late. I exhaled heavily. It didn't matter, it wasn't any of my business. I continued walking. After that encounter, I needed more time to relax. This walk didn't help as I'd planned it to. Oh, well, back to research. I stood in my yard, studying my house. It even looked lonely from outside. There was no one inside, cleaning or simply finding something to do. There were no cars in the driveway. The grass needed to be cut. It looked like I'd have to do that again. The house looked empty, just like the people who lived there. I strode inside that cold, empty house and up to my room. 

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