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     i was an unusual kid.

    i'll explain later but for now let's just get onto my story.

    the sound of my alarm clock went off. i sat up in bed groggily. it was my first day of my 3rd year in highschool. i was going to be a junior. i tried to look excited to people, but i just wasn't. i stopped getting excited years ago.

    it was when i got so excited to go to the park with my mom. "mommy! my friends are gonna be there! hurry!" i yelled at my mom laying in bed. "mmm..." she groaned. i sat at the kitchen table, waiting for her.

      she was sick. she was overheating. but she went to the park with me anyways, because my shitty dad was being useless and drinking. as always. my mom was depressed. i didn't realize it until now, when i'm re-telling the story. we went to the park and my mom dozed off a few times but i didn't care. i was just a kid after all. she was so tired. she couldn't take the sickness anymore.

     finally we went home. i was asleep until i heard a loud noise. i never heard that noise before. it was a loud bang. i couldn't figure out what the odd noise was. until i went exploring around the house to see what it was. i tripped and cut my lip area, slightly below my nostril going down my lip, to my chin. its scarred. that was when i saw it. red. ironically my favorite color. my mom lying on the bedroom floor, a gun next to her. blood painted the walls a deep red. i remembered her blank eyes wide open staring into my soul. i was six. i didn't understand. i went to the neighbors house. she gave me a frightened look when i explained what i thought happened. i didn't understand what this meant. so she came to my house and called the police.

       i watched them take her away.

       i cried.

       i stopped speaking.

       my dad would grab my throat, taunt me by telling me to speak up. he left bruises on my neck by grabbing my throat all the time. it caused me to go mute. i could talk a little but it hurt like hell because of the things he's damaged. my dad eventually left me and i was turned into social services.

      when it came to people adopting me, they didn't want a messed up little korean boy who doesn't speak. i eventually bounced from foster parent to the next.

     people stared at me. i didn't like it. people would taunt me and hit me and bully me. eventually i couldn't take it. i thought about killing myself a few times. i do cut though. not a thing i'm proud of but i do.

    one day my abilities started to kick in. i didn't know what they were, or how to use them, but i tried my hardest. i need help, but i also don't want to trust people because they'll turn me into a science project and poke at me. for example-

     "i bet your mom is happy she's dead."

     "she probably killed herself because of you."

"i'd also kill myself if i was his parent."

      "his dad left him too because he's a fucking fag."

      i can't take it anymore.

the blood rushed to my head. bang. one of the boy's bodies' flew to the wall. tears went down keith's delicate cheeks. keith stuck his middle finger up at them and walked away. they chased after him. "what the hell!! what did you do?! fucking freak!!" they screamed. shit, i shouldn't have done that, they're gonna tell the authorities. fuck fuck fuck.

    one of the boys grabbed keith's shoulder, whipped him around and punched him. keith groaned. he touched his nose. blood. not blood from using his powers too much, but blood from the kid punching him.

    keith looked up at the group of boys around him. they trapped him. he was surrounded. they were about to kick his body on the cold floor. keith covered his face. he waited for impact. nothing. what? he uncovered his face and looked around. they were frozen in place. it was his powers. they acted when he was hurt or in trouble. he didn't even have to tell them to activate. they just did.

     keith crawled out of the circle of boys. he stared back at them in shock. he ran. he could hear shouting. they must have un-froze. run keith run. red, why would you do that. i know you were protecting me but now they're gonna get me in a shit ton of trouble.

    he ran, bumping into a tan boy in the process. he would say sorry but it burned so fucking much for keith to speak. he hated it. keith turned and put his hands up as if telling him that he didn't mean it. "holy balls what happened to you?! you look like shit! ah i'm so sorry." he kept running. "hey! why are you running?! i'm sorry!" the tan boy said. keith shook his head, meaning it's nothing. he ran to his 2nd period class.

     there was a presence in keith. the thing that was inside him activated his powers when he was in trouble. he named it red. red for blood. blood because he hurt people with his powers. the deep crimson color he loved and dispised at the same time. he didn't mean to hurt people. but nobody believes someone who says they didn't mean to.

those are my powers.

first chapter is on keith's life. his past. second chapter will be lance's. thanks for readingmy shit ass stories.

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