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    keith went to the nurses office. he opened the door to reveal the nurse sitting on a stool writing something in a notebook. she looked up at keith.

    "ah, keith. hello!" she smiled. he smiled back. he laid on a bed and looked at the ceiling. he needed to calm down.

     "just need a break, eh?" the nurse chuckled. he nodded. the nurse was pretty cool. she let you do whatever you wanted. you were tired? come sleep in the nurses office beds. she was really chill. she knows some kids don't get much sleep so she wanted to help them. i mean come on, everyone loves the nurse.

    keith laid in thought. he should apologize to lance. he didn't want blue to be lance. he had an abusive dad, cut his wrists, low self esteem, hid everything with a smile, was suicidal and probably still is. something in keith clicked.

    he needed to help lance. if he didn't stop him, he could kill himself or get himself hurt by his dad or cut worse. school was out early today, which meant his last class was music, and the bell rang about a minute ago.

    he needed to find lance. keith pulled his phone out of his pocket so fast it hit the floor. it's okay it was shattered anyways. he grabbed it and went to skype.

akira: lance??

akira: lance i'm sorry

akira: i'm so so sorry where are you??

akira: please where are you??

    keith waited for a response. he tapped his foot impatiently. he didn't have time for this. he burst out of the nurses office, startling a few students walking past the office. he ran across the school looking for him. he didn't have hunk or pidge's numbers either. he texted shiro.

akira: shiro if you see lance tell me where he is.

spacedad: what, why? keith whats going on?

akira: i need to talk to him before he leaves so text me if you see him

spacedad: okay..

    keith was running around the school looking for lance. he stopped and leaned against the lockers to get some of his oxygen back into his lungs. he slouched over and took a few deep breaths. his phone dinged. he looked at his notifications.

spacedad: hey keith lance is outside but i think hes going to his car, hurry

akira: thanks

    keith bolted through the hallways. he ran into a few people but he apologized in sign language if they even understood. he eventually made it outside. he looked everywhere for lance. a bench outside the school slid a few feet and fell to its side. red. keith needed to watch his emotions. he calmed down and searched for lance. he ran around the parking lot, looking for him.

    his eyes darted to a rusty blue truck. bingo. that was lance's truck. he looked around the truck for lance. nothing. well, shit. where is this boy? keith turned around. lance was walking over. he didn't seem to see keith. keith waved at lance. he didn't see. he walked to lance and tapped his shoulder. lance was startled. he looked up at keith with teary eyes.

    "what do you want?" lance squeaked, his voice cracking. keith's eyes widened and his eyebrows raised. he didn't know what to say.

    'i'm sorry, lance.' keith signed. 'i'm so sorry.' lance exhaled.

    "what is wrong with you?! first you invade my personal space and take my phone, just to see if i was blue! and then when you do find out, you ignore me?! seriously?! i trusted you. and then you throw it all away?! what the hell!" lance breathed in and tears went down his cheek.

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