Chapter 7 - Weaponized

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From 4.06 - Orphaned: In the clinic, Brett laid on the table, seizing and shaking, a yellow substance covering his mouth.

Derek and Tara stood over him, trying to hold him down.

Bella: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

From 4.06 - Orphaned: In the school hallway, Derek, Tara, Malia, Zayn and Jack were talking.

"Tara and I know a little something about this pack," Derek told her.

From 3.21 - Foxes and Wolves: Outside Oak Creek, Satomi let her eyes glow gold.

Jack: (voice over from 4.06 - Orphaned) "Their Alpha is a woman named Satomi."

From 4.06 - Orphaned: At Lookout Point, Derek, Tara, Malia, Zayn and Jack stood at the site of dead bodies.

Derek: (voice over from 4.06 - Orphaned) "They have a kind of secret meeting place in the woods."

Tara ran closer, kneeling next to only one left alive, barely at that. "Derek! Zayn, Jack. It's Braedan." Malia, Derek, Zayn and Jack ran closer. Tara looked at them from over her shoulder. "She's alive."

From 4.06 - Orphaned: In the bus pit, Garrett was threatening Natalie. "I know you'd do anything to get Liam back, including doing everything I say."

From 4.06 - Orphaned: In the Evans/McCall/Lahey Mansion, Tyler and Stiles were leaning against a table.

Lydia, Bella and Stacie were sitting at the table with Bella's laptop and the code on it.

Bella realized something. "So, what if the third key is someone who isn't dead..."

"But will be," Stiles finished.

Tyler and Stiles slowly walked behind Lydia, Bella and Stacie, standing over their shoulders. 

Bella closed her eyes, focusing. She slowly typed in a name into the box. She opened her eyes. 


Stacie slowly shook her head in denial.

From 4.06 - Orphaned: In Meredith's room at Eichen House, Meredith was lying on the floor with a noose around her neck.

Brunski untied the noose.

Jordan: (voice over from 4.06 - Orphaned) "Bella, Meredith's gone. She hung herself."

From 3.19 - Letharia Vulpina: In the Evans/McCall/Lahey Mansion, Adriana, Lydia and Bella stood with Natalie and Tyler.

Adriana held out her phone to show them the picture of Peter.

Lydia held her phone next to Adriana to show Malia's picture next to Peter.

"Peter and Malia?" Tyler asked.

"Father and daughter," Natalie answered.

From 4.02 - 317: Outside the Evans/McCall/Lahey Mansion, Scott, Haley, Natalie, Tyler, Zayn and Jack were talking.

"Jack, you said that you knew Peter had a daughter way back when, you just didn't know it was Malia until we told you what Adriana found out from Talia's claws," Natalie told him.

"Yeah, you also said that you were the one that helped Talia adopt Malia away to a safe family, for her own protection," Zayn added.

"You never told Derek and Tara," Tyler told him. "Or me and Zayn."

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