The Final Fight

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**Logan's POV**

When I reach the top of the hill and look down at the campus square, my stomach drops. My fellow pack-mates are scattered all over the place, some laying dead on the ground, others fighting to defend the campus of a school they have never even attended. All because I asked them to. But I don't have time to mourn them right now because I notice a sleek figure dressed in black, skin tight combat attire with white hair speeding towards the main source of the campus' destruction: a massive demon locked in a duel with the President. It's like a nightmare coming true, watching in horror as my mate jumps into the fray of the two powerful beings. Instinctively, my mouth opens to yell in protest but someone else's voice beats me to it. I focus in on the source of the voice only to suppress a growl. Realizing he's probably the one person that can explain what is going on, I make my way over to him in the next few moments while he continues to bat away at some pesky demon. I don't even bother seeing what kind it is, the well being of my mate purely on my mind.

He turns around quickly, detecting my presence, but only slightly relaxes when he sees who it is.

"Oh, it's just you. Listen, I know you want to bash my face in for letting her go, but you know her well enough by now that once she's set her mind on something, there's no stopping her. I'd be fighting with her right now since you're here and can protect Jaheara, but she asked me to stay," Terry explains defensively while glancing up at a floating body I hadn't noticed before.

Now I am completely torn between rushing to my mate's aid, or protecting the person she greatly cares for since I failed to do so in the first place. Then I sadly come to the realization that she would be happier to see Terry fighting alongside her than me since she's made it clear that she is not fond of me. I can't blame her, either. All I've done since she's known me is disappoint her and follow her around, which wouldn't seem that creepy if she felt the bond even half as much as I do. Regardless, her happiness is more important.

Terry once again has his back to me, fighting off a Vrok demon, when I snap out of my thoughts. Having come to a decision, I quickly help him dispose of the demon and address him while we have a moment.

"Terry, help Valerie. I will stay here and watch over Ja-," but I am cut off by a sudden loud shout of pain.

Terry doesn't even hesitate, racing in the direction of the shout. I watch him go to her. I watch him pick her up before she charges back into battle with a vengeance. Thankfully another demon is upon me. I turn towards them, away from Valerie and the heavy pull in my chest.


**Valerie's POV**

Having taken a lightening bolt to the ribs, I shout out in pain as I roughly crash to the ground. Terry is next to me in a split second, making sure I'm okay. Thankfully, my higher resistances to magic are coming in handy since that bolt strike looked worse than it felt. I notice Logan standing under Jaheara and nod at Terry before jumping up quickly. As long as she has someone protecting her I'm okay, given that I've got bigger fish to fry. With perfect aim, I swing both my daggers down in a diagonal swipe, sending sparks flying as they come into contact with the President's protective shield. I bounce off and land much more graceful onto the ground, this time, right next to Terry.

"Well that's a problem," Terry states while staring up at the hovering President, no doubt referring to his magical barrier.

"Tell me about it!" I counter as he and I dodge a giant boulder landing right where he and I were just standing. The Demon King laughs at us but focuses once again on the President when he's nearly hit with a magic bolt.

Terry and I move towards each other again once the attention is off of us.

"So what exactly is this plan of yours? Because all I've seen is you take some pretty nasty hits."

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