Chapter 4

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*Megan's POV*

Me and Eleanor continue to talk then Michael comes over I look at him and look at her she nods. She's going to break up with him I run over to the boys. Louis looks over then looks back sadly.

I say."What's the matter Lou?"

Louis."I like Eleanor."

Me."oh my gosh she likes you too she's breaking up with him now when she comes back over looking upset comfort her." He nods I start to talk to Harry then I see her walking over here with tears in her eyes I run over to her and hug her I look at Louis and point to Ele he nods and comes over.

They start to talk and I walk back over I can see them kissing Harry is shouting."Get in there Lou!" I hit him playfully. He says."ow." I just roll my eyes and said."Yes my plan worked they can thank me later. Look Harry I've been here a day and I already got them two snogging over there now to work on you!" He shakes his head I say."Harry over the past three years I helped you get a girlfriend coz otherwise you would pick a slut we all know it and I'd rather not see my cousin with a slut I'm going to look at Ele's friends and choose one if they like you I'll show you to her if you truly dont like her it's ok."

Harry."Fine I can't argue with my ickle cousin."

Me."stop calling me that." He shakes his head I laugh. Then Niall says."can we get something to eat." I nod and said."yes let's go guys I'm starving." Zayn."your always starving." I hit him and Niall says."Don't worry I'm always hungry aswell." I giggle then Harry runs and pushes Lou over. I laugh and grab Eleanor we walk she tells me everything we both scream in happiness. Eleanor."Thankyou for getting Lou to come over."

Me."your welcome."

Eleanor."Now we need to get Niall for you." I nod then we Link arms and started skipping Harry joined and I started to laugh Louis joined at the other end. Harry started singing."We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz." I laugh even more and we get there and sit down there isn't enough room so I sit on Harry's lap he doesn't mind tho.

Harry."Megan have you lost weight?"

Me."not that I know of why?"

Harry."Your lighter then before."

Me."Are you trying to say I was fat?"

Harry."you definitely wasn't fat!"

I laughed and said."I thought so."

We all started talking when some other girls came in Eleanor grabbed my arm and pulled me over to them she said."hey girls." They all looked and got up and hugged her."Guys this is Megan she is really nice and she's Harry's cousin." The first one to get up was a tall girl with blond hair and she said."I'm Perrie nice to meet you." She hugged me and I said."It's nice to meet you too." The next girl was a bit shorter

Then Perrie and had straight brown hair and pretty green eyes. She said."I'm Emma I like your hair." I gave her a hug and said."Thank you I like yours too." She smiled and sat down the next one stood up she had brown hair a bit frizzy but not too much she said."I'm Danielle so are you friends with all the boys over there."

Me."yeah I am especially Louis,Liam,Zayn and Harry." Then Eleanor said."Yeah but she likes Niall!" I nodded they sat me down and I said I would go over there and ask them what they think so I walked over and sat on Harry. I said to Zayn."Do you like Perrie?" He nodded I said"go now talk to her." He noodles shyly. I said to Liam."Danielle?" He nodded "go talk now bye. Lou just go talk to Ele you guys already snogged so yeah." He nods and goes. I get of Harry and sit opposite him and said."Emma." He looked then said."Yeah I like her but does she think I'm a player?"

Me."Well are you?"

Harry."No." Me."Well then go." He nods. I turn to Niall and he just looks me in the eyes wow his eyes are the most beautiful blue ever they make me melt. We start to talk about ourselves and then we decide to play 20 questions he asks me."Single or taken?" Me."Single." He smiles wow his smile is so handsome. He asks me lots of others and he tells me about his family ad I tell him about mine. I could feel us becoming closer he then said."Megan would you like to go out for dinner tonight on a date maybe?" I smiled and said."I'd love to Niall." He smiles then I say."Text me the details I'm gonna head back to my room with Ele bye Niall."

Niall."See ya later Megan." I smile then grab Eleanor.

*Niall's POV*

Me."See ya later Megan." I so badly want to call her princess and be able to hold her hand that's why I asked her on the date I think I like her and talking to her now was really comfortable. We have become really close but I'm glad she didn't try to set me up with one of her friends because that means that she wants me to be her boyfriend soon and I want her to be my girlfriend tonight is the first step. I'm going to make her really happy. She smiles back wow her smile is beautiful she walks over to Ele and whispers something in her ear Eleanor claps her hands and says.Bye to Louis.

*Megan's POV*

I whispered in Eleanor's ear"Help me get ready for my date with Niall" she clapped her hands and said bye to Louis then shouted."Girls get your arses here step away from the boys girl situation." All the girls looked I laughed they all ran over grabbed me and pulled me out I waved at Niall and we ran back to my room I told them what happened I can seriously tell them anything. Emma and Perrie started looking through my suitcases. Eleanor started straightening my hair. Danielle started my make up I just sat there. My phone buzzed it was from Nialler:) I clicked on it, it said'Hi Meg I will pick you up in an hour dress nicely but not too nice see you then.x-Niall. I smiled and told them what it said they nodded and Perrie picked out my outfit it was a white blouse with a peach skirt I nodded then text Niall back saying'Hi Niall okay see you then the girls are doing everything hair outfit but go to love them.x-Megan he text back right after saying.'Ha I'm getting a lecture from Harry of what not to do when I told him after you left I'm going to go get ready see you then:).x-Niall I text back saying.'Hah tell Harry to leave you alone see you later I won't be able to text you back the girls are taking my phone see you later.x-Megan.

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