Chapter 8

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*Megans POV*

That kiss was amazing we just smile and start talking again. He has to go and play football so i said."Have fun." He smiled and said."Thanks." I give him a kiss on the cheek then run off to Eleanor I start to tell her and the girls what happened they all screamed. I had to cover my ears I start to laugh they die down and we start to watch the match and by we I mean me they just talk.

They are actually really good then all of a sudden Harry scores I stand up and scream "Styles woo woo" he looks up and smiles I wave he waves back. They carry on playing and Niall scores I stand up again and scream"Wooooo go Niall." He looks up and waves I blow a kiss he smiles and i sit back down. It's now 2:0 to our team I'm happy we're winning. They carry on playing this time Louis scores me and Eleanor both scream and I shout."Woo go Carrot boy." He looks and laughs he winks at Eleanor and I pretend to gag he laughs at me then gets back to the game. The other team scores and I was upset but there was 2 minutes left so unless they score three in 2 minutes then they won't win. There's 10 seconds left and Harry has the ball he shoots and scores the whistle goes off and I run to Harry and jump in his arms he spins me around then puts me on the floor.

I say to Harry."I'm so proud of you." He laughs and says."Aw thanks." I ruffle his hair and run into Niall's arms he stumbles back a bit but regains balance. I kiss his cheek then said."You did so well." He laughs and says."Thank you beautiful." I smile and blush then said."Go change your all sweaty I only hugged you because I'm in YOUR jacket." He laughs then says "okay wait here can we go on a walk after I've changed." I nod and he goes to change I go and talk to Eleanor.

He comes out and walks over to me and says."Shall we go on that walk?" I nod and smile i say a quick bye to Eleanor she says."You better be back for karaoke your gonna whip their arses." I smile and nod.

We start to walk and he slips his hand into mine I smile and lock our fingers we get to a grass hill we walk to the top and he turns around to face me and says..........

."Megan I know it's only been a few days but I seriously can't be without you. Your so beautiful and your smile is so perfect words can't describe on how breathtaking you are. Your personality is amazing you can be sarcastic funny and kind. You can be a tomboy At times and play football and eat lots which I'm glad about because normally girls won't eat in front of boys and you can also be a girly girl and wear dresses and skirts which you always look stunning no matter what you wear and what I'm trying to say is Megan I'm in Love with you and here's the question I've wanted to ask you since the day I met you at the football ground." I look behind him at the fireworks that we're going off it read."Will you be my girlfriend?x" I smiled and smashed my lips onto Niall's he quickly responds and our lips move in sinc butterfly's took over my stomach I moved my arms around his neck and started to tug with his hair his hands went to my waist.

We both pulled away and he says."I take that as a yes?" I laugh and nod we start to kiss this time but with a lot of passion and lust. All of a sudden we hear a cough I pull away and turn my head to see..............

Authors note

CLIFFHANGER I'm sorry couldn't help it anyway who could it be I wonder? Anyways thanks if your reading i know it's bad but Im trying so no HATE!! Anyway thanks again so yeah I might upload chapter 9 in the next couple of days I dunno so until then....See Ya ;)

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