Chapter 12

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We arrived to the city and al the girls ran and hugged me and Jasmine.. We started looking in shops and I gave Jasmine the budget of £200. I'm not rich I just get money and earn over £4000 in summer and I saved it for shopping while I was here at school. So far I had bought 4 skirts, 5 tops, 3 jumpers, 7 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of leggings, 3 dresses, 2 pairs of shoes and some bras I only spent £250.

I have bought Jasmine a top that's says Ohana means family, a top that says just keep swimming, a top that says Hakuna Matata means no worries and a top that says Dreams Do Come True. Okay maybe we're Disney fans but don't judge me or Jasmine! I bought her lots of other things aswell!

I was Hungry we had been shopping forever! me"Can we eat Pleaseee." Eleanor."Megan this is the 3rd time you've asked!" Me."I know I'm so hungry but you guys won't eat!" Perrie."Fine let's have McDonalds!" Me."Wooo." Emma."You and Niall are such a cute couple." Me."Urm When did we start talking about me and Niall?" All of a sudden I have hands coming over my eyes and an Irish voice whispering in my ear."Guess Who?" Sending chills down my spine. Me."It's either my Irish cutie of a boyfriend or some creep trying to do an impersonation of Irish and getting somewhere!" He starts laughing and begins taking of his hands of course it's Niall!

I spin around and said."Well hello my Irish Cutie." Niall."Hello Princess." I can hear the girls aw behind us I turn around and say."Really?" they all giggle and nod I turn back to Niall and wrap my arms around his neck he puts his hands on my waist. I say."So whatcha doing here?" He says."Im shopping with Harry, Tommy and Zayn they're in Top Shop right now." as soon as he says that Emma and Perrie run in the shop I laugh at them. He carries on and says."I saw you talking to the girls about how hungry you are and I thought id sneek up on you."

Me." Aw Cutie." I lean in for a kiss he does too our lips press and I smile into the kiss because I can hear Zayn shouting."Hurt her you die but you guys are cute so get in there! Then Harry says."Hurt My cousin Horan I'll hurt your face." we was still kissing and I think Emma hit because he said."OW." then I Heard Tommy say."They're in love aw my twin is in love but he hurts her I will hurt him so badly!" I pull away and said."Aw guys Niall won't hurt me will you?" he said."Id never hurt you princess." I smiled and kissed his cheek. they awes and I just laughed then said." I'm still hungry give me food!" they all laughed and Harry said."When are you not hungry?" Me."When I'm eating!" we all laughed and Niall said under his breath."Damn you are too perfect."

*Niall's POV*

Harry."When are you not hungry?" Wow she is like a girl version of me maybe that's why I love her yes you heard me I NIALL JAMES HORAN LOVE MEGAN BEVERLY DEE STYLES!

Megan replies to Harry with."When I'm eating" I start laughing and mutter under my breath."Damn you are too perfect." I think she heard bits of it because she said."What?" Me."Nothing babe want to go on a date tonight?" she nods and smiles. We walk hand in hand to McDonalds with everyone.

*Later On For The Date Megan's POV*

I started singing to Human by Christina Perri in the shower.

"But I'm only Human and I bleed when I fall down I'm only human and I crash and I break down the words in my head knives in my heart you pick me up then I fall apart coz I'm only human!"

I get out and dry my hair and style my curly hair. I put on my tight white dress that goes mid thigh with some white all star shoes. Niall's gonna drop dead this dress shows of all my curves and edges. I put on a tiny bit of make up some mascara to make my eyelashes a bit longer, eyeliner to make my eyes stand out, some blusher and red lipstick to top it off.

I walk out of the bathroom and look at Louis and Eleanor their moths are on the floor! I say."How do I look he said to dress fancy is it to much or too little?" Eleanor."No Megan you look drop dead gorgeous!" Me."Thanks Ele what about you Louis?" Louis." Meg you look WOW Niall is gonna die or get tight down below!" I just looked at him like he's crazy really he had to add the last bit! Me."Wow Lou too much info! but thanks." he nodded. I grabbed my phone and put it in my white purse.

Then I heard a knock at the door Louis runs to the door and says."Maybe I should like warm him on urm how pretty you look!" I nodded and giggled.

I then heard him say to Niall."Watch out Niall your gonna drop dead and just watch out." I just laugh then he says."Welcoming Miss Styles." and moves out the way of the door I look up and Niall's jaw dropped. he scanned me up and down and the stuttered saying."W-wow Megan y-you look breath taking." I giggled and walked up to him and said."Thanks babe and Louis thanks for the intro you should be at my wedding to be my dj for the first dance!" Louis."No when you get married I'm going to be there at the front row making sure you had the best day of your life!" me."Aw Lou that's so sweet love ya bye love ya Ele byeee." she screamed back."Bye have fun not too much USE PROTECTION!" I laughed at her and me and Niall started walking and he slipped his hand into mine and stopped and looked at me and said."Megan you truly look beautiful princess." Me."Thank you Niall you look really handsome."

He smiled and we got into the restaurant and it was a five star one Jheeeze he's spoiling me! We went over and he said "reservation for Mr Horan" he nodded and took us to a private area with one table. It was beautiful it had lights around the table and rose petals around the floor.

I looked at Niall and he said."Do you like it or is it too much?" I said."Its so beautiful Niall." he looked at me and said."I know something or someone more beautiful than this." Me."Oh yeah what's that?" he said."You." and quickly leaned into kiss me i kissed back and i put my arms around his neck and pulled at the end of his hair causing him to moan I giggled and pulled away and said."That was getting to heated let's eat." he chuckled and nodded we ate and started walking home. We saw a bunch of guys outside the restaurant......

They all looked me up and down making me uncomfortable and smirked then one slapped all of their faces! I couldn't make out who it was then I recognized him it's Alfie he was my best friend all through high school apart from the other boys. Me and Alfie would always stick up for each other I missed him so much.

He started walking over I let go of Niall and said."Alfieeee." i ran to him and jumped on him he spun me around and put me down. I said."I missed you so much Alfie." he said."I missed you too Styles." I then said."This is my boyfriend Niall, Niall this is one of my best friends Alfie." Alfie and Niall shook hands then Alfie said."Congrats Niall you've got a great girl don't hurt her please!" he shook his head and said."I won't." Alfie."Thats good anyway Meg I'm sorry about those dicks over there it's actually Rob,Stewart and Dan but they didn't recognize you." Me."Aw the dicks know them for half your life and the don't recognize you after a couple of months." Alfie."Well Megan you are wearing a tight dress their not going to." I shrugged and walked over to them me."Hello fellow dicks." they laughed and Rob said."Meg you look different but you haven't changed." I laughed and gave them all hugs. then I got Niall and said."Niall this is Rob or as we call him Knob but just call him Rob, that's Stewart our sweetheart and that's Dan he acts all hard but he a big softy they were my class best friends with Haz and boys this is my boyfriend Niall" they all man hugged and then Dan said."Good Luck with this one Niall she's a handful!" Me."No I'm not!" Stewart."Yes you are girly." Me."ugh don't call me that just because your gay doesn't mean you can call me girly we've been over this! anyway bye boys Love ya and look at me in a Pervy way again I'll hurt you." they nodded and hugged me.

We started walking back hand in hand and Niall says."Your friends are nice." Me."Yeah they are they get on with Harry, Alfie and I grew up together. we got outside my door and I said."Tonight was amazing thank you." he smiled and said."Your Welcome princess I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and gave him a kiss and it turned into a heated make out session he pushed me against the wall and his hand were on my hip.

He licked my lip asking for entrance and I allowed it this went on for a couple of minutes till we pulled away needing to breath. I gave him a quick peck and said."Good night handsome." he said."Goodnight princess."


Hey my fellow fanfic readers I have over 200 readers in this book wow thanks for reading it. I will update again soon I don't know when though anyway love you all thanks p.s if it's bad I'm sorry not sorry anyway NO HATE!

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