Chapter 6

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*Megans POV*

We saw all the boys standing there waiting for us. We was all linked arms walking there they all turned around and watched us come forward we all hugged then Harry put an arm over me. I smiled and said."Aw do you love your Ickle cousin."

Harry."Yeah I missed my Ickle cousin where's Tommy?" I hit him he started laughing.

Me."You didn't mean that you know I'm your favourite cousin!" He nodded I smiled I had Harry on one side with his arm around me and Eleanor on the other side while we linked arms. We got to school and went into class the teacher said."Are you the new student?" I nodded then said."Yes I'm Megan Styles." Harry shouted." Yes Styles woo." I giggled then she said."Are you two related?" I nodded she said."Go sit next to him." I nodded and sat next to him he smiled and put his arm around me on my chair.

I didn't really mind Harry doing that well we're cousins so I'm used to him hugging and picking me up and everything. We are so close literally we was always joint at the hip. I got a note from Harry saying.'How did your date go with Niall?x' I smiled and replied.'It was great don't get over protective!x' he looked at it and chuckled he sent something back saying'No Niall's a good kid but if he hurts you I swear I will hurt him!x' I shook my head and he nodded he then wrote something else.'Remember what I did to Jake I won't hesitate I mean yeah me and Niall are friends but no one hurts My Megan!x' i giggle and replied.'Aw yes I remember you beat the shit out of him with Liam and Zayn!x' he chuckled again his chuckles are so funny he wrote back saying.'Hell yeah he deserved it and you know the boys will always stick up for you they love you Meg so do I are you and Niall a thing?x' then my smile turned upside down ad replied.'No he hasn't asked me but I've only known him for two days I'm going with him to the football match tonight your going to do terrible you wish I was on the team!x:)' he laughed out loud the teacher turned around and looked at Harry he stopped and I giggled quietly he wrote back.'Yeah I wish you was bring the other Megan tonight.x;)' I giggled and nodded we stopped and listened to the teacher we had four other lessons and finally it's lunch we went to the diner and sat at the same spot before there was no space so I sat on Liam! Danielle didn't mind because she knew I've known Liam since I was about five. I looked at her and whispered"Is it okay If I sit here there's no other space." She giggled and said."Sit on me!" So I did I got of Liam and sat on Danielle she laughed and Liam said."Why did you get up." I smirked and said."Me and Danielle are together." I laughed and so did everyone else while Liam looked shocked. I laughed even more and said."I was kidding girls stick together okay yeah I've known you my whole life nearly but I like Danni!" He smiled and said."Aw my two favourite girls sorry girls." They all nodded me and Danielle laughed then Danielle said."Now I know why you guys didn't shut up about her!" I giggled and said."Aw you guys talked about me." All of them blushed I said to Harry."Dis you know that Luke and that are here?" He nodded I said."Why didn't you tell me!" He shrugged his shoulders I got up and said."Be right back." They all nodded I went over to where Luke,Aston,Calum and Michael were they all looked at me then jumped at me making me fall once again! I said."Get.Of.Me.You.Fattys!" They laughed and got up Michael held out his hand I took it and got up I wiped the imaginary dirt of my shorts they laughed and Aston said."Sorry we missed you so much I know we saw you yesterday but we didn't get to talk to you!" I laughed and said."How about we all go out for dinner on Friday?" They all nodded I laughed and said bye to them and went back over to the others this time I sat on Harry. He laughed and said."Megan seriously are you eating?" I nodded and said."That's a stupid question you know I love food!" He laughed and Niall smiled I'm guessing he likes food. We all talked until the bell went off we all got up and started walking Niall ran beside me and said."Are we still meeting at the football match." I smiled and nodded then gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled I ran up behind Harry and jumped on his back he started running with me on his back! I laughed and screamed Harry was running really fast. We got outside the lesson and waited for everyone to catch up. They caught up we went in it was now Social Working the teacher said."Are you the new student?" I smiled and said."Yeah I'm Megan Styles." Harry shouted again."Woo Styles Yeah." I laughed and the teacher said "go and sit next to Harry." I smiled as skipped to my seat I whispered to him."Again seriously why are they putting me next to you." He laughed and said."Because they know you love me." I shook my head and said."No I love Gemma." He looked hurt and said."Take that back." I shook my head he slumped and put his arm around me and said."You know you love me more." I giggled and so did he we was assigned to have partners to pretend to have a baby with I got Zayn. I was quite glad because Zayn is really funny ad one of my best friends. I went over to him and said."Hello hubby." He smiled and said."Hello Wifey." I giggled Harry got Perrie Niall got Eleanor Liam got Emma and Louis got Danielle. We all laughed at our partners then it was time for last lesson of the day FINALLY! It was English which was one of my good lessons we went in and he said."Aw Miss Styles." Harry shouted."Styles Styles Styles Styles." I laughed really loudly and the teacher Mr.Watson said."Megan go and sit next to Liam." I smiled and sat next to Liam I said."Finally I don't have to sit next to Harry." Harry turned around and said."You like sitting next to me." I laughed and it was finally the end of the day we went back to our rooms to get ready for today's football match......

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