Since the day I was born I knew my place. Being part of the Kingsglaive/Crownsguard, protecting my city and it's people, but most of all serve as the Royal Family's shadow. No matter what, I put my duties before myself. I do it for them, I'll do it...
It was at the break of dawn when the rain had finally ceased in Insomnia. The sleepless city began to move along a bit quicker since the settling of the unexpected weather.The palace servants, maids, and guards began to change shifts slowly but surely getting ready for the day.
On the right side of the palace, in his office sat Captain Lennox who was up early looking over the reports for last nights shifts. His armor already found in its rightful place on his body, his hair was slicked to the right. Thin strands of white locks mixed with black, as he rubbed his gloved hand on his chiseled chin. Feeling the semi frosty stucco, the man sighed. His deep blue eyes showed the years of his age with a hint of sleep deprivation, but they still held his wisdom and life experience as they gazed over each page.
Heaving another sigh, he looked over to the left to see the oak grandfather clock. The time was now 5:10 am, showing it had been two hours since he awoke. Letting out a yawn while raising both arms above his head, his stiff shoulders popping, he rose from his seat and looked out his window. In doing so he woke his grey friend who was laying by his desk on the floor. Now that the rain had stopped, the early morning had an earthy smell that refreshed anyone out this early.
'A perfect day for practice...', he thought but with a soft growl from his stomach, he hummed in response. ' but first breakfast.'
He left his cold and dark office, Macko following close behind. However he paused right in front of the portrait of a beautiful woman. Without looking at it he kept his head down barely blinking. He stayed like that for a minute before raising his head high, taking a deep breath, he walked out closing the door behind them.
Walking down the charcoal walls, both companions saying 'hello' or nodding to several guards and servants before walking up to a white door. He knocked three times before opening it to reveal a child no older than 9 adjusting their (FC) hoody in front of their mirror.
Their short (HC) locks were straight and neat, stopping right at the bottom of her earlobes. The small bed sheets having been made mirroring the neatness of its owner. Her room was spacious with long windows and there was a bathroom to the right. It still kept the palace look but you could see hints of (FC) here and there. The room was well kept and organized just like his own along with several properties to show that this was an apprentice's room. A desk that faced a window was full of notes, books, and utensils. Maps covered walls and even an ancient sword was mounted over the fireplace.
It was clear this child was in training for something no normal child would regularly do.
After a quick look around the room his eyes landed on the child once again to find stoic (EC) orbs staring back at him.
"I see you are ready, so then let us head to the dining room for breakfast."
The child gave a 'yes sir' before following after him.
Macko on the left, while (YN) on the right, leaving The Captain in the middle. Walking at a leisurely pace, both hands behind their backs. Once close enough to the dining room, the smell of a delicious breakfast filled all three of their nostrils, earning a hum from both the man and child.
Entering the dining room, servants had just placed their plates on the table, the sun barely rising over the horizon gave off little light as it began streaming through the three giant windows that reached up from ceiling to floor. Each one of them caught site of the trio, "Good Morning Captain Lennox, Macko, and Miss (YN). Breakfast is served. "
They gave their thanks and walked to their seats, he sat a the end of the table, while she sat to his right, Macko on the ground in between them, his silver bowls in front of him as he patiently sat on a grey pillow. After a quick prayer, they all dug in, eating at a semi-fast pace.
The room was silent, all that could be heard was clanking of silverware on plates.
The Captain and the apprentice wiped their mouths at the same time and even drank from their cups in unison.
Maximus was about to say something until a servant had entered the silent room,
"Captain, the Marshal Cor has arrived"
Max wiped his mouth and rose from his seat. While the child did the same.
"Let him in."
The servant nodded and left for their new guest. A second later Cor had entered with a slight smirk on his face. They both met half ways, hands collided.
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"Ready to train new recruits Max or are you going to take a day off old man?" Cor said, his voice was serious but Max could detect a hint of sarcasm.
"Just because I'm a year older than you does not make me old! And yes, for your information, I will be able to train them today." Max said clearly annoyed.
They both released hands and turned toward the young girl and wolf who were both respectively bowing. Cor smiled, " Are you ready to test your skills today (YN)?"
The young girl raised her head and nodded, "Yes sir, I can't wait to finally use the sword warp technique in combat." Her face was stoic but her (EC) orbs showed excitement and determination.
A small laugh escaped Cor's lips while Max smiled at his daughter's excitement.
"Have you finished your food?"
Max had asked.
"Yes, sir." The child stood tall once again, hands behind her back.
"Very well go change into your training gear. We will head to the training room in 20 minutes."
She gave another 'yes sir' and left both gentle men, Macko followed after her.
Both men watched them leave in silence. It wasn't until Cor gave another soft laugh which caught the attention of a certain captain. Max looked at him, eyebrow raised, causing Cor to scoff and shake his head.