Since the day I was born I knew my place. Being part of the Kingsglaive/Crownsguard, protecting my city and it's people, but most of all serve as the Royal Family's shadow. No matter what, I put my duties before myself. I do it for them, I'll do it...
Finally! We begin our story at the start of the game. (Yn) and her friends are all grown up. She is now 20 years old along with Noc and Prom(Gladios is 23 and Ignis is 22) . Everything else you might already know.Now I'll shut up and begin😅 Enjoy!!
"The decreed hour is come. Set forth with my blessing Prince Noctis." King Regis spoke from his throne, his son and three companions before him.
"Thank you," Noctis replied bowing to his father giving a short glance to the right, his eye's landing on the stoic girl along with her furry friend before looking down, "your majesty."
"Take your leave and go in the grace of the gods." Regis finished, "Right." Noctis huffed as he turned to leave, his shoulder bumping Gladios. The others looked to his retreating form in confusion before bowing to the king following after him.
Regis watched his son and the others leave the throne room in silence as the giant doors closed behind them. He then turned his gaze to the side, seeing the young woman's straight posture shift. She heaved a silent sigh shaking her head from side to side until meeting his gaze. The same stoic expression adorned her face, her (EC) orbs met his. No emotion was there but her eye's betrayed her, they showed sadness.
"Well, princes will be princes."
"So much for royal protocol."
"Not like you had to give a formal address."
Prompto, Ignis, and Gladios commented as they followed the quiet prince down the steps to the black Regalia.
" Your Highness!" They all turned their heads to see the king walking down the steps. Drautos, (Yn), and Macko close behind. "What now?" said Noctis meeting his father halfways, " I fear I have left to much unsaid. You place a great burden on those who would bear with you." Regis finished keeping his pace towards the others. He motioned (Yn) and Macko to follow him letting Drautos stay behind. "Ha, your one to talk," Noctis said while glancing at Drautos before shifting his gaze to his two childhood friends, briefly making eye contact with (Yn). She looked away quickly rolling her eyes at his words.
"I ask not that you guide my wayward son, merely that you remain at his side." Regis stopped in front of the three friends. Ignis was the first to speak as he bowed to Regis, "Indeed your grace."
"Well see the prince to Altissia if it's the last thing we see." Gladios commented, "Yeah what he said." Prompto finished.
"Hate to break this up but Cors got the motor running Drautos he's in your hands." The prince turned away towards the car, " And another thing," Regis cut in," do mind your manners around your charming bride to be."
"Your majesty as well try to mind yours around our esteemed guests from Niflheim." Noctis sarcastically said back as he faked a bow.
The others continued towards the car, (Yn) and Macko soon after. "You have no cause for concern." Regis said, "Nor do you." Noc snapped back. " Take heed once you set forth, you cannot turn back."
"You think I would?"
"I need only know that you are ready to leave home behind."
"I don't know about you but, I'm ready as I'll ever be." Noctis turned from his father.
"Take care on the long road. Where so ever you go, the line of Lucius is with you." Regis placed his hand on Noc's shoulder. "Walk tall my son."
Noctis got to the car he saw (Yn) and Macko talking with the others. A smile crept it's a way onto his face as the young man began to look over the girl's features. Her hair was much longer about to her shoulders, she was still shorter than him of course just a little shorter than Prompto to be precise, she traded her casual wear for a uniform,
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It was different from the traditional kingsglaive attire but none the less continued to represent her loyalty to the king and Insomnia. Despite everything she still was the same girl, he met all those years ago.
Prompto disrupted Noctis's thoughts with his raised voice, "Are you sure you don't want to go?!" Said blonde wined. The short girl laughed at his childish behavior, "I told you this already, I want to stay behind for the treaty signing just to make sure everything goes swimmingly, I'll catch up with you when it's over. Besides, I don't think Macko and I would fit." The wolf shook his head in agreement. Prompto began to come up with possible solutions while the others smiled, talking with her about several other things.
The prince frowned, he had secretly hoped she would go with them, but it seemed that over the years she grew apart from him. She was busy after high school and throughout college. Training and studying vigorously, it was like she was trying to, dare he say, avoid him.
'But why?' Noctis knew of her responsibilities, her position as the Sentinel. She was one of his retainers and yet he missed the days when he got to spend time with her, as friends not just King and servant.
"Your Highness we are ready to depart for Altissia," Ignis said. Prompto pouted turning to envelop (Yn) in a big hug which she happily returned. Macko nuzzled his head into Prompto's side making him bend down and pet the grey k9, Gladios put his arm around (Yn)'s shoulder ruffling her short hair, "See ya shorty." She squirmed out of his headlock and punched his arm, Macko laughed at the nickname he and the brute gave her. "Yeah, Yeah." She chuckled fixing her slightly messy hair.
"We will see you after the treaty then?" Ignis asked, helping her fix the back of her hair, "Of course, Iggy right after it's over and done with." (Yn) reassured bringing him into a small hug. The bespectacled man hummed satisfied with her answer, he waved to her grey partner as they began filling in the car, leaving Noctis to be the last. She looked at him forcing a smile and straightened her posture giving a short bow, "I wish you and your soon to be wife the best your highness."
When the girl stood up from her bow Noctis stared at her face attempting to read it as if it were a book, he knew something was there. Something she was hiding, in the end, he gave up when she tilted her head to the side in confusion. Noctis quickly turned his head to the side bringing his hand up to scratch his growing red neck, "Thank you....ah (Yn). See ya."
He nodded to Macko making the wolf smile, he turned around finally entering the running vehicle. Ignis drove off out the palace gates, looking back through the mirror the four boys saw (Yn) waving them goodbye while Macko's tail wagged. They all returned the kind gesture before turning forward. Noctis looked through the mirror trying to get a last glimpse of the short girl, to his surprise, however, he thought he saw regret on her (sc) face. Ignis began to converse with the prince pulling his attention from the mirror.
Ignoring the melancholy sensation he looked out the passenger window up to the sky's blue hue. It felt like it would be the last time he would see her and he didn't know why......
So sorry this is LATE!😓 I try to update every Sunday but I got sick so yeah sorry. I thank you for the votes and reads😁🤗